The Secrets To a Designer Vagina with 90120 Dr. Matlock
Beauty Now
Teri Hausman

Episode 26 - The Secrets To a Designer Vagina with 90120 Dr. Matlock

We dont say it but we want to know. The secrets to a designer vagina with 90120 Dr. Matlock ..... plus G spot shots? Yes.. is it David..

All women want to have a great sex life but sometimes their sex life is hampered by a vagina that has lost its elasticity or has grown due to children or age. Sometimes women are just born like that. There is hope and Teri Struck interviews Dr. Matlock using humor and facts to inform our Beauty Now listeners how, where and what to do to get that designer vagina. G spot ladies.. Dr. Matlock can enhance your G spot with a special G shot that sounds like it will have you happy all day long. If you are too embarrassed to go to a consult then after you hear this edition of Dr. Matlocks secrets you will be running to this Dr. or one he recommends.



Teri Hausman: I’m Teri Hausman host of Beauty Now. In the past we’ve covered lipo, lasers, hormones, breasts, lashtens, extensions, hair extensions and more. Today we are going to talk about the way Oprah says it, the vagaygay, the vagina. We have Dr. David Matlock who wrote Sex By Design.  He is going to tell us all about the G-spot and Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation and more.

Dr. David Matlock: Women want to have the best sexual experience possible. Now children are wonderful and beautiful but they’re destructive to the birth canal. What happens is your vaginal muscles get pulled apart and relaxed so therefore sexual gratification is diminished. So basically what we are doing is we will ask the woman. I want every patient to participate in her healthcare and surgical design and I will ask how tight do you want to be? So women will say, “I want to be 16 again, 18 again or as if I never had children”. Someone would say, “Oh Dr. I want to be 14.” I’d say, “Oh you bad girl you.”

The G-spot enhancement what that is, I came up with that actually about 2001 and I thought you know what, I had a mind set for all of these things and I said, you know why can’t we educate the woman on the G-spot. Educate her, have her become intoned to the G-spot, numb it up and inject a collagen base, augment it and with that enhance things. So I did a clinical study and what I found is that 87% of women who had the G-shot or G-spot amplification reported enhanced sexual arousal, sexual gratification.

Having children, having multiple children or a number of children, things get worst and worst and worst, they know it. They understand it, your listeners know it, 100% they understand it, they know how it was before children, they know how it was after children. They know how sex is, they know how it can be diminished as a result of it.

Sexual gratification for the female is directly related to the amount of frictional force generated. We got all these things for guys that’s why I don’t care less about the guys. I’m a feminist, I’m all for the woman, so they know what they want. They know how they want to feel. They want the best sexual experience possible.

If you sit down and you put your legs together while you’re sitting down and you think of the body and the muscles of the right and left side. You can visualize this, that’s how they should be, nice, together, and tight. But what happens with children, they’re pulled apart, and separates your legs apart. That’s the muscles, they’re pulled apart so put your hands in the middle there is no support on the top, bottom, or outside. I’m restoring that support, top, bottom and outside. Restoring it.

Teri Hausman: Welcome Dr. Matlock.

Dr. David Matlock: Thank you very much.

Teri Hausman: Where do we start?

Dr. David Matlock: Well where do we start? We start down there.

Teri Hausman: Down there the vagaygay as Oprah called it. A lot of women are unhappy with the way their vagina look and they come in and have a consultation with you? How does it work?

Dr. David Matlock: Right how does it work? Here is the thing. At the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Institute in Los Angeles what we do is Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation for the enhancement of sexual gratification and we also do Designer Laser Vaginoplasty for the aesthetic enhancement of the vulva structure. That’s all about  aesthetics. We do also what we call our G-shots or G-spot amplification which is an office based procedure or lunch time procedure and also I’m also known for my famous Liposculpturing and Brazilian butt augmentation.

The really hot new thing is a lot of people are coming in and getting all of these things in combination. Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation, basically what it is, its women are coming in and saying, “Dr. I’ve had three children, I’ve had four children and I’m relaxed, what can we do?” Well I’m going to do Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation for the enhancement of sexual gratification.

What I have found, I have treated patients from all 50 states in over 30 countries and what I have found is that women want to have the best sexual experience possible. Now children are wonderful and beautiful but they’re destructive to the birth canal. What happens is the vaginal muscles get pulled apart and relaxed so therefore sexual gratification is diminished. Basically what we’re doing is we will ask the women. I want every patient to participate in their healthcare and surgical design. I will ask, how tight do you want to be? Women would say, “I want to be 16 again, 18 again, or as if I didn’t have children.” Someone would say, “Oh Dr. I want to be 14.” I’d say, “Oh you bad girl you.”

Basically that’s what it is, we’re tightening the muscles of the upper part of the vagina, lower part and outside and also we’re concerning ourselves with form, function and appearance. We want things to look pretty on the outside so basically that’s what Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation is. If you want to be 16 again, we can do it.

Teri Hausman: Talk about the recovery. So you go in there and you have this procedure. How bad does it hurt and what’s the recovery like?

Dr. David Matlock: OK. One good thing that we do, we do the pudendal block. You go to the dentist, you get an injection, you are numb three to four hours. We give you an injection right by the cervix and it’s beautiful and you’re numb 18 to 24 hours so you don’t feel anything. And then after that you have a very strong pain medication so it’s very, very nice. It’s painless for the first 18 to 24 hours, thereafter the very strong pain medication can take care of any discomfort that the patient may have.

The patient can go back to work in seven days. She can resume sexual intercourse in six weeks. She can resume her physical activities or exercise in about two weeks and gradually increase the intensity up until six weeks then in six weeks she can do whatever she wants to do.

Teri Hausman: So when you say exercise, are you talking that you can’t really walk for two weeks?

Dr. David Matlock: Oh   no, absolutely not. Look, they’re back to work in actually four to seven days. We have women in 72 hours shopping at Rodeo drive. So everyone’s pain tolerance is different. Everyone recovers different per se but again treating patients from all 50 states and over 30 countries, we’re been flying outside of the country to different states to other parts of the world in four days so it’s an outpatient procedure.

Teri Hausman: So it’s more individual because if somebody like myself who is more active, who plays tennis or does aerobics then you’ll be able to do that in about two weeks are you saying?

Dr. David Matlock: You would probably be able to do that, gradually increase. If you want to start doing weights, you want to start walking on treadmill, doing things like that, some spinning, some cycling then yes in about two weeks. But real heavy things like tennis, running, running hard, those kinds of things, we want you to wait a little bit longer for about four weeks.

Teri Hausman: I do a lot of spinning and I would say that would probably really hurt. I wouldn’t say that would be first things you could get right back to, right?

Dr. David Matlock: Yeah, you may want to a little lightly get back to that. You may want to wait a little bit on that. Say I give you about three weeks, three weeks to four weeks for that.

Teri Hausman: Have you done spinning?

Dr. David Matlock: Pardon me?

Teri Hausman: Have you ever done a spinning class?

Dr. David Matlock: I haven’t done a spinning class.

Teri Hausman: Yeah, that doesn’t feel good even if you haven’t had a procedure done. So I’m pretty sure you would have to wait like three weeks.

Dr. David Matlock: Yeah three to four weeks, that will be fine. You’ll be fine then.

Teri Hausman: Let’s talk about the G-shot enhancement.

Dr. David Matlock: All right. The G-spot enhancement what that is, I came up with that actually about 2001 and I thought you know what, I had a mind set for all of these things and I said, you know why can’t we educate the woman on the G-spot. Educate her, have her become intoned to the G-spot, numb it up and inject a collagen base, augment it and with that enhance things. So I did a clinical study and what I found is that 87% of women who had the G shot or G-spot amplification reported enhanced sexual arousal, sexual gratification.

The women can come on her lunch break, the injection is actually eight seconds, she is here about 15 minutes, and the patient will have the famous question, “Dr. when can I have sex?” and I’d say, “Just wait until you get out of the office.”

Teri Hausman: [laughs] Just wait till you leave the office. Well that sounds like a good shot.

Dr. David Matlock: Yeah but in four hours they can resume normal sexual activity.

Teri Hausman: How much does it cost?

Dr. David Matlock: It costs $1850 for the G-shot. Some patients say that it’s quite a bit to pay but we like to say it’s a small price to pay for such a bundle of joy.

Teri Hausman: How long does it last?

Dr. David Matlock: It lasts for four months so to keep the effects going you have to come back every four months.

Teri Hausman: Any side effects?

Dr. David Matlock: Side effects? It’s very, very, very safe. A collagen has been injected into the vagina since 1940 before I even medical condition called [indecipherable] deficiency and that’s for older women have this or older women, 80 or 90 and what we call the internal [indecipherable] remains open and basically they have to wear a diaper. So it uses a bulking agent to close that internal [indecipherable] to stomp that particular problem. So there is over 200 some studies looking at that and it showed that risk are very, very small and basically its bloody urine that results on its own. A bladder infection that patient would treat with antibiotics as a result. Urinary retention well these are incontinent women they’re trying to make continent, they put a catheter as a result.

We are no where near that area so in all these states in my studies there was no complications. Very, very, very safe.

Teri Hausman: What about teaching the men where the G-spot is then?

Dr. David Matlock: Well teaching… We don’t care less about the men, we’re all about the women. Our whole thing, our whole mission is to empower women with knowledge, choice and alternatives so I don’t care about the men. It’s all about the women.

Teri Hausman: So how do you find a woman’s G-spot? How would teach a woman to find their own G-spot for our listeners?

Dr. David Matlock: Well what I do is, I do have a pelvic model here and I show the women the pelvic model. I tell the women that it’s very important that you come intone, that’s what it’s all about. So that’s why they really come in, they want to become intone to the G-spot. We take the pelvic model, we show them, we say, look it’s in the midlines, in the upper part of the vagina, at the top of the vagina. It’s in the midline, the urethra, where the woman urinates through, that’s the midline and it’s half way between and again we tell the women, we do want you to remember this, it’s half way between the back of the pubic senses or the pubic bone and the top of the cervix. Basically it’s at the bladder neck.

We’re very visual in this so we can show the women so they get it. Women who are completely intoned to all these information is coming from women who are completely intone to the G-spot so that’s how we help. Actually we had the women to stroke that area there in the upper top of the vagina, along the midline and it should feel like…. We have them close the door, up the stirrups, doors are locked, for them to go in there and do that and just feel the difference. It’s just that difference.

Now I know of the right arm because of the clinical investigational study and the average point where it is, the location and then we numb it and then we augment it and there’s no question of where it is. Women have told us that Doctor, am I’m talking about spinning and I am in my spinning class and I got this smile in my face and people think that I am just enjoying my spinning. But actually I’m sexually aroused. We had patient tell us that they are doing Yoga and they become sexually aroused. One woman said she was driving down the 405 and she was talking to a girl friend in New York, she just started laughing and the girl friend said, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” I just came from Dr. Matlock and had this G-spot amplification and I just had an orgasm.

Teri Hausman: Oh that’s hilarious. That’s great!

Dr. David Matlock: Very interesting.

Teri Hausman: What is your satisfactory rate?

Dr. David Matlock: For these procedures, Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation and Designer Laser Vaginoplasty, the satisfactory rates are very, very, very high. Again I’ve treated patients from all 50 states and over 30 countries. I’ve trained doctors in over 25 countries, gynecologists, plastic surgeons, neurologists, about 180 doctors trained now in these techniques of Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Designer Laser Vaginoplasty.

Teri Hausman: And this includes the labia tubes? Let’s talk a little bit about the labia, you can reduce that right?

Dr. David Matlock: Right, we can reduce that. So under Designer Laser Vaginoplasty, it’s a multitude of aesthetic surgical procedures of the vulva structures and the number one procedure under that category is Laser Reduction Labioplasty of the labia minora. Women would come in and say I don’t like the length of my labia minora, I wanted it sculpted down. What we found that a lot of women don’t like the labia minora or the small inner lips projecting beyond the labia majora or the large outer lips, they want it sculpted down.

Women would say, hey my labia majora, my large outer lips they’re too flat and I want them augmented. So we fat, we’ll do a fat transplant throughout the body. We do Liposculpting for 20 years over 4000 patients, so I take a small amount of fat and I inject them to plump up the labia majora. Some women would say, hey doctor my labia majora is too fat. I do a Liposculpturing procedure where I can sculpture down the [indecipherable] pubis and the labia majora. Some people would say I need a Hymenoplasty and we say OK we can go ahead and do that. Many things we can do, many things we can do.

Teri Hausman: Well there’s many things more to talk about. We’re going to take a short break. We’re here talking with Dr. Matlock about how we can improve our sex lives and the looks of our vagina. We’ll be right back with Dr. Matlock.


Teri Hausman: Hi we’re back with Dr. David Matlock. He wrote the best selling book Sex By Design and it’s all about our vaginas today. Welcome back Dr. Matlock.

Dr. David Matlock: Thank you.

Teri Hausman: So this is something that is so confusing to so many women. Will you tell us about the Designer Laser Vaginoplasty?

Dr. David Matlock: The  Designer Laser Vaginoplasty  is very, very, very popular. What it is is aesthetic surgical procedures of the vulva structures, the outside and the most popular is Laser Reduction Labioplasty of the labia minora. Women would say, “Doctor, I don’t like my labia minora projecting beyond the labia majora.”  Our age group of women who are coming in for these procedures are 20s through 40s and they’d say they don’t like the length, they want it sculpted down. They would bring in pornographic information, “I want to look like this.” “Hang this up in the operating room while you are sculpting my labia. I want to look just like this.”

So we can do that, I can reduce the length, the thickness, all the excess skin around the clitoris which we call the prepuce. What I found is that women want the clitoris to hug it as if a piece of paper fit tightly over a pencil. They want to look pretty. They don’t want sagging, wrinkled labia, fat, thick labia minora. They don’t want it. They want nice, petite labia minora.

Basically what the women would say is they want the length. If you look at yourself and you look at the lower fourth, women would say, “I want the entire length like the lower fourth. I don’t want them saggy. I want them perky.” Basically on all these procedures, it’s all about youth. Youth is definitely in and Beverly Hills here breasts, the bigger the better, as far as Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation, petite is definitely in. For the Designer Laser Vaginoplasty, patients want to look pretty there. They want to look pretty and I’m happy to say that the women are coming in under their own volition requesting these procedures.

Each and every one of these procedures had been developed up as a result of listening to the request of women.

Teri Hausman: And how does a woman determine how tight she is or if she is happy with her husband in the sense that they feel tight? How do they know if they want to be tighter?

Dr. David Matlock: Well what women know, women know what they want. Women know what they feel. Women know how it was before having children, how just becoming sexually active, having children, having multiple children or a number of children, things get worst and worst and worst. They know it and they understand it, your listeners know it, 100% they understand it, they know how it was before children, they know how it is after children. They know how sex is, they know how it can be diminished as a result of it.

Sexual gratification for the female is directly related to the amount of frictional force generated. We got all these things for guys, that’s why I don’t care less about the guys. I’m a feminist, I’m all for the woman, so they know what they want. They know how they want to feel. They want the best sexual experience possible. So it’s all about that tightness. It’s all about enhancing sexual gratification, that’s what they want. They know.
They’d come in, “I want to be 16, I want to be 18, I want to be as if I never had children.” They know and they are very educated on this subject matter.

Teri Hausman: Why wouldn’t they not want to be? If you could do it that’s great. We are just so lucky to have doctors like you. What’s the oldest patient that you had?

Dr. David Matlock: The oldest patient..[laughs] One of the oldest patient that I had was 62 and she, maybe we shouldn’t talk about this but she was George W. Bush’s…nah..we won’t talk about that. But she was a friend of a mother in law, came in, sprightly woman, looking good, old money the whole thing, daddy was gone, had a new boy friend, young guy, came in wanting the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation. She was on hormone therapy and everything. Looks nice, youthful, really together. She came in and that’s what she wanted. She was happy as she could be.

Teri Hausman: You go girl! That’s great! I think it’s all about teaching women what’s possible.

Dr. David Matlock: I think that’s important. Teach women what’s possible. You know what? A lot of women don’t know that these things are available. The thing is this, women through out the world has said, “Dr. Kegel [indecipherable] the pelvic muscle website.” You got to understand it. They don’t work. We know they don’t work as doctors. We know they don’t work but women want alternatives and that’s our mission to empower women with knowledge, choice and alternatives.

They want alternatives. We need to give women alternatives, that’s what they want. They don’t want just don’t tell me to go do Kegels, they don’t work. They can do Kegels till they’re blue in their face. Kegels is a pelvic muscle exercise. I can contract my biceps day in and day out. It’s not going to build up the bicep, the same way there. So if there’s relaxing, let’s correct it surgically. Let’s enhance it. Let’s enhance things. We have a lot of happy women through out the world. Now obviously if I’m enhancing sexual gratification for the female, I’m enhancing sexual gratification for the male.

Teri Hausman: And when your males happy, you’re happy.

Dr. David Matlock: That’s correct.

Teri Hausman: That’s true. I’m still a little confused about if you use knives or anything like that. I know it’s not called a knife, it’s called a surgical instrument but you use the laser…

Dr. David Matlock: Correct.

Teri Hausman: And does that cut the skin?

Dr. David Matlock: Yeah, I’m using the laser to do all the cutting and dissecting. If you look at the ectovagina [indecipherable] I have to open up the mucosa, that’s the lining of the vagina. I need to get to the muscles so I can tighten the muscles and the [indecipherable] the covering of the muscle with suture material. Any excess mucosa, I’m going to resect and do a nice plastic suture closure so the big muscle group that’s in the bottom of the vagina. So I just open up the mucosa, inside the mouth is a mucus membrane. If you bite down and feel the outside of your cheek, do you feel the muscle? These are the muscle as you are masticating or chewing. If  I want to get to that muscle, open up the membrane inside the mouth, I see the muscle. I’m doing the exact same thing in the vagina. I need to open up the mucosa so I can get to the muscles.

What happens if you sit down and you put your legs together while you’re sitting down.
and you think of the body and the muscles of the right and left side. You can visualize this, that’s how they should be, nice, together, and tight. But what happens with children, they’re pulled apart, and separates your legs apart. That’s the muscles, they’re pulled apart so put your hands in the middle there is no support on the top, bottom, or outside. I’m restoring that support, top, bottom and outside. Restoring it.

We want every women to participate in healthcare and surgical design. Again, we are going to ask them, how tight do you want to be? The women start glowing, they start laughing, they start giggling but they’ll tell you what they want. We want them to participate. That’s a beautiful thing.

Teri Hausman: That is. That sounds absolutely perfect. Do you have to have stitches afterwards?

Dr. David Matlock: Yeah, there’s absorbable suture material. There’s nothing to remove. So on top of the vagina, there’s suture material. I’ve closed the muscles, I’ve tightened the muscles, the bottom and then the same thing. On the lining there’s a suture, on the bottom there’s a suture running and outside.

You’re body is completely healed in six weeks. Those sutures are just about gone in about four weeks. Four sometimes six weeks they are gone but it’s a nice beautiful natural result and no one will know, no one.

Teri Hausman: So six weeks healing time. That sounds like a long time to go without nothing.

Dr. David Matlock: Well, no six weeks is fine. That’s good we do give our patients a bottle of KY gel to give to the partner or husband.

Teri Hausman: For after six weeks? [laugh]

Dr. David Matlock: [laugh] No prior to the six weeks.

Teri Hausman: Oh I get it. I’m quick on the draw here.

Dr. David Matlock:  Keep up with me now. Keep up with me.

Teri Hausman: KY come on.

Dr. David Matlock: Keep up with me.

Teri Hausman: All right, keeping up with you. We’re going to have you back because the last couple of minutes, everybody is talking about your Brazilian butt lift so we want to know how come you don’t have some huge scar like some doctors do? And we want to do that on another show and we want to talk about your tummy tucks and your lipo and all the rest of the stuff you do because you don’t just do vaginas right?

Dr. David Matlock: Well what I do is I’m a specialist. I specialist in Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation, Designer Laser Vaginoplasty, Liposculpturing and my Brazilian Butts, that’s it.

Teri Hausman: Well we’re going to talk about that because I have so many people that that seems to be something that they can’t get their needs filled by other doctors.

Dr. David Matlock: Correct. It’s a hot item. 98% of the patients come to me from around the nation for Liposculpturing or coming for my Brazilian Butt Augmentation.

Teri Hausman: We’re going to talk about that. We’re going to have you back. Thank you so much for all your good advice today. And if you’d like to get a hold of Dr. Matlock, you can go to and we’re going to have a link where you can buy his book Sex By Design and also to his website. We’re also going to have him back. If you’d like a copy of any transcripts, go to and if you have any ideas for the show, email me at [email protected]. Thanks for listening today.