Episode 6 - Suzanne Sterling, World Music Diva, Kirtan Leader & Progressive Ritualist
Suzanne Sterling, World Music Diva, Kirtan Leader & Progressive Ritualist of the Yoga Groove Collective Calls in Earth, Wind, Fire and Air in an elemental discussion explaining altars, spiral dance and the intersection of inner and outer ecology.
Announcer: This program is brought to you by personallifemedia.com
Meredith Medland: Welcome to Living Green. I'm your host Meredith Medland and today on our show we'll be speaking with Suzanne Sterling. Suzanne is a World Music diva, a Kirtan leader and a progressive ritualist in the Yoga Groove Collective.
Not only is it time for us to wake up to the beauty and the grace and the imminence of spirit in the natural world around us but it is time for us to actually start protecting that. We're all smart humans. Let's not stand in the way of the progress that's actually going to move us forward with those forward-thinking designs. Imagine the earth beneath your feet. Imagine the green living fertile earth that's filled with so much richness, so much potential. And just connect however you need to with the sense of stability that the earth has beneath your feet.
In our show today, she'll be calling in earth, wind, fire and air in an elemental discussion explaining altars, spiral dancing and the intersection of the inner and outer ecology. In this episode, you'll learn how to decipher the deeper musical ritual messages in new and upcoming Green Music festivals. So this is like Live Earth or Virgin's New Green Tour. You're going to learn all the messages happening at those festivals. You're also going to experience a three-minute meditation which will center you on the Earth and the planet and you'll listen to a very deep and intimate experience of this woman who is rising to the top and currently in her prime. I'm so happy to have you here Suzanne. Welcome to the show.
Suzanne Sterling: Thank you Meredith. It's great to be here.
Meredith Medland: So Living Green's the name of our show. I’m committed to illuminating the psychology of ecology for our guests and listeners. So what that means is we like to get an inside scoop of really your take on ecology in the environment and the beliefs and attitudes that you carry throughout your day. So let’s start there.
Suzanne Sterling: Ok, my beliefs about ecology. Well, having been a priestess in earth-based traditions almost all my life, I feel like our spiritual growth, our spiritual path that we take is inextricably linked with our life on this planet. In other words, my spiritual path doesn’t ask me to necessarily transcend life on the planet but to really deeply embody as much as possible spiritual truths while I’m here. And so to me, it’s like the more awakened I become to spiritual truths, the more I want to live a full life. And the more I want to live a full life, the more I realize that we are on this planet that’s in peril. And that not only is it time for us to wake up to the beauty and the grace and the imminence of spirit in the natural world around us but it’s time for us to actually start protecting that.
Because, you know, yes, I sit and meditate and I can travel to other realms that way but also some of the most spiritual experiences of my life have been out in nature, really deeply connecting with the elements. And, you know, by that I mean earth, water, fire and air, and that those, you know, the magical formula from ancient cultures is you put those four things together a fifth thing is created called spirit. And so, for me, the psychology of ecology is inextricably linked with how awake I am and how willing I am to look at some of what genetically I carry from ancestors, both good and bad. Because I think that there’s a way in which we carry some of that genetic code from the people who literally lived on the earth and were dependent on the earth and we’ve sort of stepped away from that. We have the concrete jungle, and we have the freeways which are also, you know, there are advantages to the ways in which we can travel and move that people couldn’t travel but we bring some of that ancient wisdom and we also bring some patterns and some habits that really need to shift now for this time.
We’re on a small planet; we all know it, which is a great thing. Just that consciousness alone is fabulous. And some things, for instance, the idea that we can just have as many children as we want and in fact that’s a great blessing, that’s kind of an idea that needs to die, you know. And I’m not advocating that we all of a sudden say only, you know, one child per couple but just a little more consciousness from, you know, organized religions and from cultures as a whole on the planet. We need to start thinking about that, you know. Every child that’s born on this planet needs to be able to be fed and clothed and housed.
And I also am a big advocate of Buckminster Fuller’s idea which he says, you know, you don’t ask people to give up what they’ve already got, you just design it better. And to me that’s another thing about the psychology of ecology. It’s like, we’re all smart humans. Let’s not stand in the way of the progress that’s actually going to move us forward with those forward-thinking designs. And I think there’s a lot, you know. There’s a way in which, psychologically, people get attached to the way things are and attach their power and attached to what they’ve accumulated, so that they’re afraid to lose it, so that they are afraid of these new ideas and these new designs. That’s sort of the shadow psychology of ecology, right?
Meredith Medland: A really important piece. One of the things that I’d like to talk to you about is the way that you introduced yourself. So you said, a priestess. And there’s many of our listeners who have an idea, a framework of what that looks like. I’d like you to explain priestessing while incorporating some of the elements of nature and tie that into the book “Spiral Dance” so that someone who doesn’t really understand what you mean has a sense of the little of that information.
Suzanne Sterling: Ok, well, I use the term priestess for lack of a better term actually. I don’t love it because it has some connotations that are uncomfortable for people. I’d love to come up with a word that, you know, really works better. Sometimes I talk about, like, I am a creator of sacred of ceremony. And it is that generic. Like I’m happy to go into any situation where there is a large festival or a small group or a retreat or a conference, and somehow help people, you know, in a way that’s inclusive and participatory to become grounded in the moment, become grounded in their bodies and in themselves and to really notice the power of the now - the spiritual power of the now.
And to me that’s the point of any kind of sacred ceremony whether it’s large or small, is to have a moment in an event of literally focused intention and focused awareness. And I think that’s really actually very important. I mean there’s a difference when you go to an event and it’s just an open event and people are doing whatever they want versus there’s an event and people are doing whatever they want but there’s this one moment when everyone comes together and clearly breathes together. It can be as simple as that. And to me, that’s when we can really notice ourselves and our place in things and our place in community, and how much community supports us.
Meredith Medland: You referenced earlier how spirit comes in when you have the elements considered in the process. How did the elements and calling in four corners play into that theory of sacred space-building?
Suzanne Sterling: Well, in order to talk about invocation of the elements or working with the elements I have to first talk about grounding because I think that’s actually the number one magical tool of all time ever. And grounding is just literally becoming present in our breath, in our bodies and noticing that we’re standing on this beautiful living planet. That’s grounding. And it might even, you know, if you’re a person that feels a subtle energy or Prana life force you might even feel a connection between your own life or to the life-force of the planet, the Gaia theory, if you will.
So that would be the first step in creating a sort of like a formal sacred space. The next piece would be invoking those elements and elements are really interesting cause they’re physical, you know. They literally make up the stuff of the planet. And they’re very inter-connected and yet at the same time they’re also metaphorical. Meaning when I work with air, if I invoke air into my circle or my ceremony of some sort, what I’m doing is I’m honoring each breath that I take and I’m honoring the air and the winds and I’m honoring how dependent I am on the air and how it moves through the planet. But I’m also invoking the part of me that is in alignment with the air, meaning my thoughts, and the idea of having a new beginning at any moment and the idea of having critical thinking and how to use critical thinking, the idea of having clear boundaries and clear communications. All those things are metaphors that are intrinsically linked with air.
If I move to fire, you know, if you think about the qualities of fire. It’s passionate, it’s activated, it transforms. And so when I work with fire or invoke that piece of the planet, you know the fire at the centre of the earth and all the hearth fires that literally have created civilization for us but also invoke the part of me that’s passionate and sexual and creative and alive in that way.
Moving on to water. You know, I definitely think water is one of the most important elements for the planet right now. It’s also the one that’s the most in peril. And obviously we know the planet’s mostly made of water and likewise our bodies. But water also corresponds to our emotional life and how we let feelings and thoughts move through us. Our tears and our sweat and the idea of the waves, that whole idea of rising and falling, that dance that happens there, dreams and the subconscious and our intuitions, things like that.
And moving on to the earth. You know, the earth is our stability, it’s our solidity, it’s our ground of being. And the metaphor, it’s our body, it’s the bones of our body, it’s how we move, how we eat, how we, you know, how we literally manifest physical things on the planet. We as humans are very creative. How we give birth and how we procreate, all those kind oft things are part of that earth.
So you can see that there’s you know the metaphors just keep going on and on. You can just work with, you can work with the reality of the elements and literally, you know, put your hands in the water and cleanse yourself with that. Put your hands in the earth. Hug a tree. Go into the water, be cleansed, all those things. Work with fire. But you can also start thinking about all the correspondences that go along with those elements and how we can come into balance with ourselves, you know.
In the Ayurvedic realm, the yogic Ayurvedic realm, all of us are made of a certain combination of those elements. And what the Ayurvedic people teach us is that when those elements are unbalanced, most of us are, you know, predominantly earth or predominantly earth and water. You know, they have their particular combinations. But what they teach us is that, you know, we have to work and bring all the elements into balance. Once the elements are in balance, then we have what’s called, you know, health.
And so, the way this all ties into “Spiral Dance”, the book, is called “Spiral Dance” and it was written by this woman called Starhawk that I’ve worked with for twenty years now. And she is a deeply dedicated eco-feminist activist and what she does is she trains people to have creative and interesting ways to work politically for literally the sustaining of the planet, you know. And she’s been saying this for many years, longer than, you know; now it’s the thing on everyone’s mind, but she’s been saying this for a really long time and training people for a long time in perma-culture and ritual and sustainability and activism. And why, you know, like I said at the beginning of this interview, why when we become spiritually curious seekers and spiritually trying to awaken ourselves at every level, there’s this flow. There’s this overflow that happens when we, you know, when our cup is full there’s an overflow and we automatically want to serve, be in service and we automatically want to give back and we automatically want to save the preciousness and the grace that is, you know, our planet.
And I think it’s really inextricably linked like I said at the beginning. And I think it’s about transcending and giving like my first yoga teacher ever said, she said it’s not about, everyone’s trying to get out of their body and have this out-of-body experience, she’s like it’s about being in your body. It’s about the imminence of spirit in all things.
Meredith Medland: Thank you for that. We’re going to take a short break to thank our sponsors. And then when we come back we’re going to talk a little bit more about invocation of the corners and what that means and really demystify this element of woo-woo ritual or new age ritual and bring it down to the listeners home. So listeners this is all about coming up after the break - what it means to create an altar or sacred space within your own home and how that correlates to honoring and loving our planet. My name is Meredith Medland, I’m your host of Living Green and we’ll be back right after this.
Meredith Medland: Welcome back to Living Green. I’m your host Meredith and I’m right here with Suzanne Sterling and we’re talking about invocations and altars, both in ceremonies. So you do this very publicly all over the place and this is one of your main expertises, priestessing, as we say. Let’s talk a little bit about honoring the elements in our home, through the use of sacred space and altars. I imagine you have altars in your home. Can you tell us a little bit about them and how you created them and what they mean?
Suzanne Sterling: Absolutely. Just to start altars are sort of, they’re like physical places in our environment that focus our attention on certain things. Right, simple. So, but they’re very powerful meditation tools, if you will, because if you have a beautiful altar that’s honoring, say your ancestors, right and you have pictures of your ancestors on there and you have maybe even spiritual teachers who’ve really affected you. Every time you go past that, even if you’re not even paying attention to it consciously, subconsciously it’s speaking to you and reminding you of those truths that you’re wanting to be reminded of. So it’s a beautiful way that just continues to focus our energetic being.
In the home, many people know this through the feng shui, it’s very important to have a clean, clear environment and not to have too much clutter, not to have places where literally the life-force of the home itself and how we move through the home doesn’t get stuck in one place. It actually, the life-force can actually move and continue to move. It’s that movement that keeps things fresh and alive. So one of the things I would say if you’re at home and you have no idea, you want to set up an altar, you want to have this place where you can meditate or you can even just every once in a while see beautiful pictures that inspire you or beautiful objects that inspire you, I would say the first thing to do would be to cleanse your home. Like, literally go through it, throw water in the corners, you know, burn sage…
Meredith Medland: Throw water in the corners?
Suzanne Sterling: You know, water being that metaphor for cleansing, and…
Meredith Medland: So I’m going to interrupt you because I understand what you’re saying and I know that some of my listeners are like “you gotta be kidding me”. So why and how do our listeners bring themselves into this state of being that has that ‘be okay’ or ‘be something’ meaning?
Suzanne Sterling: Well, I think that just the important thing is to have an idea of cleaning your space and it doesn’t matter what you do. You could go through and just spring clean your house and that’s cleaning your space. We all know how much better that feels and how much better we feel when literally our environment is organized, right? We feel better. So I would say it doesn’t matter how you do it, you know. It matters that you do it and that you do it in a way that’s meaningful for you.
So cleansing the space. You know, indigenous cultures, when people do house cleanings for feng shui or whatever, they’ll use the elements, you know. They’ll burn sage, that’s the elements of air and fire actually. Or they’ll, you know, bring bells through the whole house to cleanse the space with the sound. There’s numerous ways you can do it and numerous books on it actually written by feng shui masters. So I would say cleanse the space first and then think about what it is that you would like to invoke into your life. Maybe it’s self-love. Say you want to build a self-love altar, what could you put on that altar?
It’s, you know, most people start with the table and then you bring in colours that you like and textures that you like and maybe little spiritual objects that you like whether that’s stones or beautiful sculptures. Whatever it is that really awakens you. You can even go through magazines and pick out pictures of things that, you know, that really spark you, even just intuitively. Pictures of, maybe if it’s a self-love altar, pictures of yourself and little spiritual sayings that inspire you, things like that. It’s like, it’s a real opportunity to be a creative artist for your own spiritual evolution. I really see altars that way. They’re living art objects and they can be changed at any moment and you can change the focus at any moment, you know. Certain times of year maybe you want to honor your ancestors.
Certain times of year maybe you want to bring in, you know, certain elements of things that you’re transforming into. It’s almost like a visioning tool. And so I think they’re just really fun.
Now, they also are used at events and gathering places and yoga studios to honor the teachers, especially in yoga studios. You know, there’s this idea in yoga of the yoga lineages being brought forth through many generations through the teachers and you honor the teachers by saying thank you to them and, you know, when we begin the class, we begin the Ashtanga practice, we do that whole mantra about honoring the teaching and the teachers.
Meredith Medland: Now what about, I just want to shift this and make sure that we’re on Living Green. And what about altars to the planet? We’ve had an amazing, amazing experience spiral dancing and earth dance. Five thousand people participating in a spiral dance and I’d love for you to talk a little bit about that. But is there a way that our listeners can create an altered space, an altar space [Laugh] an altered space, an altar space that’s honoring the planet that will remind them and evoke planetary change?
Suzanne Sterling: Absolutely. I actually have a friend who builds really beautiful altars at a lot of festivals. And she uses some of the sort of sacred geometry principles and it’s all very earth-based. And what I mean when I say that is using organic natural materials, along the lines, sort of like, a la Andy Goldsworthy, the artist who made these beautiful art pieces only using natural materials and that’s something that any of us can do, you know. I’ve seen people build beautiful altars out in the woods with no unnatural material at all, it’s all completely natural.
But there’s, it’s a beautiful artistic, kind of conversation with nature. So if you’re interested in, say, reminding yourself of your dedication to the planet, you can build your own beautiful altar using rocks and stones and moss and water and earth even and candles and… You know, candles are kind of man-made, but, you know you can go as far in that direction as you want. And you can really be creative about it, what is it that would remind you of the sacredness of your experience on this planet and what you’re here to advocate for.
Meredith Medland: I like that. In our first episode, we spoke with Rowan Gabrielle who’s the founder of Organic Leather and is also with UrthTV, urth.tv, and on one of my altars I have a purple crystal heart that she gave me that was hidden in this wonderful row of trees on Mount Tam and it was a little walking journey that she took me on. So for me, that reminds me of finding that in the tree and that when I see it, it reminds me oh it’s time to go out and go hiking. Or in the bathroom I have a, just a small table with a, my hapkido belt cause I’m studying hapkido and that’s important to me. But there’s some shells and one of the shells just happens to be from Marco Island when I was with Captain Ecology who’s this singer. And when I see the shell I remember, oh that’s right, the inspiration and the dedication that I feel when he sings or strums on the guitar is how I want to live my life. And it directly translates to whether or not I’m going to put my water bottles in the right bag and take them out to the dumpster in the right way. It’s that, it’s really that simple, that the altars or even if you don’t want to call them altars, just the way you organize your bookshelf and put a little special thing up there, I feel directly correlates to keeping the planet clean and alive and healthy through small behaviors.
Suzanne Sterling: I totally agree.
Meredith Medland: So let’s talk about the spiral dance.
Suzanne Sterling: Ok, the spiral dance is a fabulous, what I call spiritual technology. [Laugh] And the reason I like it is because basically what it is, it’s a circle, there’s a bunch of participants. You put everyone in a circle, everyone’s holding hands and you literally spiral into the center. And then as the leader of the spiral gets to the center they turn around and they spiral back out and they’re passing all the people that are spiraling back in. When they get all the way to the outside and they turn around and spiral back in again. So it’s beautiful because it’s a connection to the spiral gestalt, if you will, that’s present in so much of nature. You know, spiral galaxies and spiral shapes predominate in nature. The spiral is one of the favorite forms of nature. And in music as well, the spiral is…, we don’t need to go into that.
Anyway, so the spiral is a beautiful form, it’s deeply reminiscent of nature. And the thing that’s beautiful about this dance is that as you’re going out and you’re passing everyone who’s going in, you literally get to have eye contact with every single person in that circle with you. And it’s a wonderful way to experience your community, to be with your community, everyone’s singing at the same time. And there’s this dance going on so it’s fully activated in that way, it’s fully expressive of the body. And then once the whole thing gets done, everyone sort of, you know, gives this sort of, like a last hurrah.
And we call that the Cone of Power and the reason we call it that is because in that moment when everyone is raising their voices and has just really moved a lot of energy, it’s literally a perfect moment for group prayer. And for individual prayers too. And if you know anything about the power of sound, sound is a physical operation that literally goes out into the world and creates change. So if we have our intention involved, whether it’s a group intention or a bunch of individual intentions, in the spiral dance and at the end we raise our voices together, in this, you know, in this sort of rising epiphany, if you will, then what our intention goes out on those sound waves and literally creates change. I’ve done a million of them over the years and they’re really, really powerful. So even if it’s not your experience that sound works in this way, it also is just a great way to build community and to notice who’s in community with you in that moment and to really honor it and be expressive and have fun with it. So it’s a really great form.
There’s other, you know, there’s other circle dance forms and there’s other ritual forms that work well too but it’s definitely one of my favorites and it was amazing to do it with five thousand people. Just amazing.
Meredith Medland: Now one of the elements of this spiral dance is calling the corners. What does that mean and why is that important?
Suzanne Sterling: It’s not necessarily one of the elements of the spiral dance. It’s an element of ritual. So spiral dance is one thing that can happen in ritual space. I would say calling in the corners is also one thing that can happen in ritual space. It’s not necessary but it’s actually lovely, and part of the reason why it’s lovely, it’s deeply connected to indigenous cultures. Many, many indigenous cultures on the planet have some way in which they, because especially in the past, indigenous cultures were so deeply dependent on the cycles of the earth, and dependent on everything working well, like there’s enough rain and the earth is fertile enough and things grow and blah blah blah. They were much more connected to the idea of the elements bring life.
And every single Native American ceremony that we go to there’s going to be an honoring of the directions and the elements and others, you know, deities and ancestors and that kind of thing. And most indigenous cultures have some way to honor life forms and it’s just an interesting way to break down life forms and to really honor each piece and to notice our connection. And it’s also really and interesting way to create sacred space because you’re literally, if you connect elements to directions, you’re literally going around and honoring the space around you.
Meredith Medland: That’s actually why I’m asking. I was just at a workshop yesterday and the leader did that, but I’ve seen leaders do it in so many different ways so what I’d love to do is, we’re almost out of time at this show. I want to take a break, thank our sponsors. I’d like to during that break or during the next segment of the show learn about the different retreats and places that you’re going to be appearing, what’s happening in the next three months for you. But right when we come back from the break I’d like you to give us a little sample of what that looks like so our listeners who haven’t experienced it will get a chance. Sound good?
Suzanne Sterling: Absolutely.
Meredith Medland: Alright, we’re taking a break to thank our sponsors. My name’s Meredith Medland and you’re listening to Living Green.
Meredith Medland: My name‘s Meredith Medland, I’m your host here on Living Green and we’re speaking with Suzanne Sterling and we’re about to experience something very exciting.
Suzanne Sterling: So this is, a sort of short form version. But I’d like to ask you to close your eyes, take some deep breaths and imagine the earth beneath your feet. Imagine the green, living, fertile earth that’s filled with so much richness, so much potential. And just connect however you need to with the sense of stability that the earth has beneath your feet. And we’re going to create, literally create a sacred space around us by honoring the elements. So wherever you are bring your attention to the east and we’ll begin by honoring the air, imagining that there’s a beautiful flowing wind, flowing into your space creating change, allowing you to be cleansed. Take some deep breaths, feel the air as it moves through your body oxygenating your cells, waking up the brain, those kind of things.
Then moving to the south. Send your attention and energy to the south from wherever you are. And imagine that in this south is a bright glowing fire, a fire of transformation, a fire that’s awakening and quickening the energy of your whole body, a fire that awakens your passion your desire to be alive and to be human. And allow yourself to just experience your own energy body and how it might be moving and wakening in that fiery, kind of alive way.
And then moving to the west. Sending your attention to the west from wherever you are. And if you’re in California like we are then west is right there, the ocean is right there. Imagine the sense of being aware of the tides and being aware of the water flowing in and out all times the strength of the ocean, the power of the ocean all of the life that lives in the ocean. And also your own ocean, your emotions and your feelings. And the depth of your spiritual awakening as it comes through dreams and intuitions. And the ways in which the heart can love and open and expand.
And then take your energy and attention to the north. The earth, that solidity that we spoke of, the part of us that’s really, really here, embodied in our bodies, alive, awake in balance. And allow yourself to feel the connection of all of these pieces. You know, the air, the east, the part of us that is our mind. The south the fire, the part of us that’s pure passion and energy. The west, the water, the part of us that’s emotional, that moves through moods and ways of thinking and feeling. And then the part of us that is just that solid earth, we’re here, we’re embodied. We’re in these beautiful amazing instruments called bodies. And we have a short time here, and it’s our literally privilege and responsibility to take care of ourselves and to take care of the planet as a living entity just like us.
Meredith Medland: Thank you for that. If our listeners would like to have a little more of that and meet you in person, I know you’ve lots of things coming up so tell us a little more about where we can hang out with you in workshops and retreats and music festivals coming up.
Suzanne Sterling: Let’s see, the next couple of months I have some events in Los Angeles with the group I have called the Yoga Groove Collective and we create yoga events that are, it’s yoga and free form dancing and singing and they’re all benefits for things like YouthAIDS or Heal the Bay, so it’s a template for yoga and activism.
Meredith Medland: And I just want to let our listeners know that on the episode page you can look right now and you see the links. And if you’ve gotten this podcast through iTunes, you can go to personallifemedia.com, click on Living Green and you’ll see the episode page with Suzanne and her bio. So we’re going to go through these things but also know that the URLs are there.
Suzanne Sterling: And all this information is on my website which is suzannesterling.com. So there’s some events in Los Angeles around that and then in the coming months I’m performing at the Health and Harmony festival as part of their sacred music event with Sheila Chandra and [Jayu Ton], some really fabulous musicians. I’m also doing a Bhakti yoga retreat at Esalen, a week-long festival. Lots of ritual will be happening there. Also with the Yoga Groove Collective, I’m doing a Women’s Empowerment retreat in Costa Rica in August with Seane Corn, and Ashley Turner and Julia Butterfly Hill. I’m doing the Institute of Noetic Sciences Consciousness and Action week-long conference in August. And, gosh, so many more things, that I can’t remember them all.
Meredith Medland: One that comes to mind actually is working at the filming and doing podcasting from Lightning in a Bottle in Santa Barbara, which is May 10th through to 13th. If you look at my blog on Living Green you’ll find out more information about that. But I was excited to hear that Suzanne was going to be there when we’re chatting right before this interview. So we’re about ready to wrap up the show. Suzanne, if you could create three outcomes within the next three months, what would they be?
Suzanne Sterling: Hmmm. Well, let’s see. For myself personally, since I just moved to Los Angeles, I think a big one for me would be to create a support environment for that. Meaning a home and some people to help me run my business because I have a lot of projects and it gets a little overwhelming at times. Professionally, one of the biggest things I’m involved in is creating curriculum for yoga and activism and that’s, more and more of that, it’s a really good mix of the things that I do. You know I’m deeply involved in the yoga world and I also deeply involved in creating sacred ceremony and activism and bringing those worlds together so as much as possible having more and more projects come to fruition around that. Whether it’s you know bringing these ideas in the music festivals or just continuing the work that I’m doing in those realms.
Meredith Medland: So to be really specific, in the next three months, you’re looking for let’s say one to three people to help you create your business, specifically an assistant, you’re looking for a home and you’re looking for how many more projects. Let’s get really into it. What do you really want? Let us help you.
Suzanne Sterling: Yeah, I think that an assistant would be good but also a manager to sort of help bring all the pieces together of what I’m doing cause obviously I have a lot of different projects so bringing those into cohesion, help with that would be great. And then specifically for the next pieces I would say continuing the work with Yoga Groove Collective, I think that’s a really good sort of focal point to do all the things that I was just discussing. So more support for that template. Third thing, hmmm, I just don’t know.
Meredith Medland: [Laugh]
Suzanne Sterling: Yes, I do know actually. [Laugh] I think the next piece would be I’m looking forward to finishing my album. I have an album in the works and I’m really looking forward to finishing that and so that would be an outcome that would be very important to me, the resources to support that.
Meredith Medland: The resources to support the album. Well, listeners if you can help her out you can reach her at suzannesterling.com. Those are great outcomes. I’m so grateful for you coming on our show today. Thank you so much.
Suzanne Sterling: My pleasure.
Meredith Medland: In next week’s episode you’re going to be listening to Alex Stephen of World Changing. I also want to reference that, I think if you’ve enjoyed this particular podcast that you may enjoy Michael Gosney who talks about Calafia, which is a new radical area-based community, so you may want to check out episode number four. If you are looking to reach me, you can contact me at [email protected]. Again, Suzanne Sterling, thank you for being on our show. For text and transcripts of this show or other shows on the personal life media network you can go to www.personallifemedia.com.
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