Episode 16 - Journey to the Dark Side
Marcie Prohofsky hosts this turned on evening of erotica at OneTaste Urban Retreat Center, an innovative labratory researching connection in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood. This episode will take you to the dark side of erotica and back.
Jessica begins the evening with ‘Ten Years Coming,’ a
story of reconnecting in a new and exciting way with
an old college friend. She describes a dinner,
planned to maximize sexual tension. The story then
takes us sensually through the seduction, from the
food fight in the restaurant to her provocative slap
with her belt across the front of her intended lover’s
In her story, “Tongue,” Yia explores how a person does or doesn’t surrender to sex.
Kate’s story, “I’m so over this,” takes the fantasy of the cock-riding, dirty, nasty whore in an edgy direction. You'll go on the ride, including the surprising, and then touching conclusion.
Join us for all of this, plus more.
Announcer: This program brought to you by personallifemedia.com is suitable for mature audiences only and may contain explicit sexual information.
Marcie Prohofsky: Well, welcome to a Taste of Sex: Erotic Open Mic. We are here at One Taste in San Francisco. My name is Marcie Prohofsky and I am the host of this fabulous event. We have some hot players in our house tonight. We have Virgie Tovar, one of my favorite hot authors! She is one fine breast fetishist and she will be reading a hot piece, I am sure. So, this is collaboration with Personal Life Media and you can find these shows at personallifemedia.com. You can also do a search in the podcast department of itunes and also find information about these podcasts at our web site which is onetastesf.com.
I’m a dirty, nasty whore.
I twist, undulate, grind, bite my lips. And lock his eyes in a sultry, affected gaze. He groans and says he’s about to come. [scoffs] Not yet.
Marcie Prohofsky: Alright, this a piece, another piece, another fine piece, I’m sure. Jessica? What is the name of your piece tonight?
Jessica: “Ten Years Coming.”
Marcie Prohofsky: [gasp] Oh my god! This is a piece called “Ten Years Coming” by one of our house hotties, Jessica.
Jessica: She met me at the door. Her short hair wet and spiked, buttoned-down shirt, unbuttoned down just enough to show a hint of tan flesh and a small necklace. A familiar sideways smile and dimples simultaneously filled my pussy with sensation and softened my body. I laugh nervously as we hug in greeting. I plant a small kiss at the base of her neck. I’d suggested dinner first, build the tension to mess and sensationed. Savor the moments just before delve into an entirely new phase of relating. If I can wait ten years, I can wait two hours in concentrated desire.
I’m not playing it cool. I tell her my fears, my desires, my conversations with friends about her. I’m good at this part, I tell myself. I’m good at vulnerable in the beginning when the concentration is high and I’m not afraid of losing something. We have a food fight in the restaurant. It breaks the tension. Laughing, college buddies again, I find a sweet spot where I don’t have to be nervous or afraid and I can just see her for who she is. One of my best and oldest friends.
We go back to her little apartment. The cat meets us at the door. We meet at her bed and begin kissing. Tender. Slow. Deliberate. I am touching her body and it is familiar and new and I am near tears and the sensation is so high, I might explode. I begin kissing her chest as she unbuttons her shirt. Her small breasts flattened in a sports bra. I love the gender confusion I experience with her. The boy and the woman, the joy in blurring boundaries.
She hits me with her belt. One blow directly across my denim clad pussy. I know that she’s a bottom, exploring her top, knowing that I’m a bottom too. I feel seen. She’s on her knees, four of my fingers in her pussy and the cavity of her pussy opens and I can feel so much of her. And I’m fucking her and she asked me to slap her ass. And I hit her once. Her body moves forward and back onto my hand. And again and again, and then four quick, hard slaps and she contracts around my hand. She moves slowly down next to me and she is crying. And I hold her there and I’m enveloped in the buzzing. And my head is spinning. She lets the tears flow and I witness her open. “What happened for you there?” “I just let go.”
My stomach contracting and my breath quick, my heart pounding and energy spinning as her breath moves across my skin. Her mouth on my clit and her tongue enters my pussy and out and then on my clit again. Her fingers inside me and inside my ass. And she’s licking my clit and oh my god, how long can this go on? And my stomach contracts and my head rolls around and my voice drops low into my body as I feel full and contract around her fingers. And she can feel the pulsing of my ass around her fingers and I am out of control.
I soar over the edge. My entire body in contractions and I pull her up to me. Waves of contractions flow and flow and flow and it feels like forever. And I grasp onto her there and I’m taken over with the sensation, feeling my body shudder and contract beneath her. I want to cry, but the tears flow from my pussy and not my eyes.
She asks if I want to stay. Yes. We drift into sleep but strangely quiet, just us and the cat. No auming in the distance. No quiet fighting in the couple next door. No lights shining into my eyes. No activity whatsoever. I miss the warehouse in this moment. And at the same time, I’m happy to float off into sleep with her next to me. Her bed soft, her body warm.
3 A.M. I waked to her caress and turn around to face her. I kiss her face, her neck, her chest, her breasts, her stomach, her legs.
My hand and then my mouth at her clit. I slowly swirl my tongue around the button of her clit and down towards her androidus [?]. I take her in completely and pull on the flesh and lightly graze her clit with my tongue. Here she is a woman. No gender question in this moment as the high-pitched sounds escape her lips as I swirl her clit in my mouth. I let go completely and her cunt is my pussy and I can feel my tongue against my pussy. And we swim in the sensation until she pulls me up toward her and my mouth finds her and we lay together. She says she can feel her whole body, that everything feels good. I pull her in close and we find sleep again.
Marcie Prohofsky: Yeah. He is going to read. Oooh, who feels tingles in their body now? Ooh, Va Gina does!
So this is a piece which was also written during uh, journaling in the morning. On how you uh, on you do adult surrender to sex. Let’s just call it “Tongue.” Okay.
I walk up the stairs, feeling resistant and anticipation at the night coming ahead. I search for B but with no luck so I join Kate and Bethly on their bed and slip into some girl talk. He comes in with a distant look in his face and tells me he’s going to have an aum and will return in fifteen minutes. Okay, I tell him. Was that relief or disappointment? The evening slips by and my eyes starts to droop as sleep creeps over me. My pussy pulses as the memory of his tongue on my clit floods my mind and body, and I contemplate whether or not I will have sex with him this time.
My mind wanders. I think about his research partner and how she must feel. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I hope it’s not him. I pretend to be asleep but my ears perk up and my body alert and ready to respond like a prey hiding from its predator. He slips into bed and I make room for him. Pretending to be more tired than I really am, I ask him about his day. In the back of my mind, I wonder if I should just ask him to go down on me. I ask him about his research partner. He comments on the strangeness of having a naked woman ask him about his research partner. We stop talking and he looks at me. My body freezes. I ask him to rub my scalp and pull my hair, and we adjust our bodies. I feel his cock on my back, warm and smooth. My mind races. I recall the feel of his tongue, and I ask him to pull a little harder. We stop and I quickly reposition myself. I lie on my back without touching him and yawn. He apologizes for being late. A sigh with relief and regret and he holds me and we slip off onto dreamland.
In the morning, I awaken. I ask him if he had gone down on me the night before or if it just a dream. “It was a dream,” he responded. Oh.
Marcie Prohofsky: So, Kate. She’s ready with her piece called “I’m So Over This.”
Kate: So this was also a journaling assignment about a moment of transition during an intimate engagement and also continuing the parental theme this evening.
I’m riding his cock. I’m a dirty, nasty whore. I twist, undulate, grind, bite my lips. And lock his eyes in a sultry, affected gaze. He groans and says he’s about to come. [scoffs] Not yet. I scoop him up in my arms, bury my face in the smooth curve of his neck. Oh, that smell. He shifts and pounds his cock into my pulsating pussy. A thick, murky cyclinder of heat and tingling shoots into my cervix, filling my stomach and oh, that smell, jostling the cement block in my chest
Grandpa. Daddy. I’m three years old in grandpa’s pool, learning to swim, reaching out. Daddy. I can’t get to you.
He slams back into me, flipping me on my back. And I suck back the tears with my breath. I could tell him. But who would want to fuck the sad girl?
Marcie Prohofsky: This is “Pussy Kitty” by Marco.
Marco: My neighbors asked me to take care of their cats for one night while they were out of town. That night, after everyone was fed, I put an erotic movie on the VCR and I started to enjoy the show, sitting on the sofa, a small vibrator in my hand, covered by a warm, antique blanket.
To my surprise, the cats became quite curious about the good vibrations emanating from near my lap. The kitties, a boy and a girl cat, started to circle and explore around the sofa. They jumped up and down the blanket, trying to figure out what was about this purring noise. Rather amused, I turned on and off the dividic device to make it more challenging for them to figure out what was going on. After awhile, the boy cat, which was not the smartest one of the two, became less and less interested in the game and sat down on the carpet. The female instead, kept circling around to my great surprise. Once she located the epicenter of the vibration, she sat on top of it and started to watch it with me, the erotic movie on TV. At first, I was a little embarrassed, but then I decided to let her stay. So, we watched together some of the movie while I caressed her fur and felt her purr. She was really enjoying herself and so was I.
Soon the boy cat arising something funny was happening, jumped on the blanket to check us out and catch her attention. Evidently, she was having too much fun because she pushed him out of the sofa every time he was getting too close until he gave up, and he returned to his spot on the carpet, glancing ultimately at the images on TV, at his purring girlfriend and at myself, the peculiar catsitter.
After about fifteen minutes, the girl cat stood up and stretched, looked at me in the eyesight as to say, “Thank you! Bye!” [laughing] and jumping in front of her friends. Quickly, both cats disappeared in the kitchen. I felt grateful for the unexpected innocent and sweet pet, shedding some pleasure with a creature of such a different and noble species.
The next day my neighbors came back and later informed me they heard good things about me from both kitties. Seems the time away that I excuse myself from any kind of sitting favors, my friend asks me for me. I did not want to spoil a good reputation.
Marcie Prohofsky: My name is Marcie Prohofsky, thank you so much for tuning in. We don’t just write it here, we live it and this is a Taste of Sex: Erotic Poetry Readings and Letters to My Pussy, you can find this recording on iTunes and also at personallifemedia.com. Check us out at onetastesf.com and tune in next time, we will turn you on. Good night.
Announcer: Find more great shows like this on personallifemedia.com.