Episode 13 - Tasting Oneness
Marcie Prohofsky hosts this turned on evening of erotica at OneTaste™ Urban Retreat Center, an innovative laboratory researching connection in San Francisco&’s South of Market Neighborhood.
This episode grabs you by the collar, drags you out of your silly mind, and into the nurturing bliss of your own body. Be advised. The pace of your breath and the direction of your blood flow will be altered by this episode. Remember that surrender is always the right answer. Sit back, focus on Marcie's voice, and let this episode wash over you like a fragrant ocean breeze.
Bruce offers "A Humid European Night" as a taboo appetizer. There is a bar filled with sweat Parisian smoke and erotic light. There are alleged Russians. There is a solitary Thai woman. And there are steamy events that don&’t take any effort to remember.
"A Male Ohm" is Rachel's powerful and simple recounting of her orgasmic meditation experience. She is the "stroker,&” or is she? She intentionally manages her partner&’s joystick, which ultimately connects her to herself. Connection, indeed.
Lauren's "Quick Embrace" puts us in touch with those mysterious human moments that seem impossibly full. There is no reason to remember these moments but, for some reason, they burn themselves into our minds. A glance. An image of a lip. The fog. When indecision dances with desire delicious torture ensues.
Marcie's "Fluid" is a giant piece of the best chocolate cake that you could ever imagine sitting on your kitchen table. You shouldn't eat it but you HAVE TO. The piece will be punctuated by a satisfied grin on your face. Yes, it is true. Yes, it happened. Remember to breath.
New York Marcie's "Love Letter" is a dance with rapture. The adjectives and metaphors will blow into you face like wind from a fan. Then you start to taste them. Then you start to smell them. Then you imagine their juices dripping down your neck.
We have to "Come Down" from this episode and Rachel reminds us how to do it. When the inevitable, emotional storm clouds darken our mind's sky, it is time to ground. Sometimes the best way to get out of our mind is to get into someone else's body.
It's time for the proverbial cigarette on the porch. See you again next time.
Announcer: This program is brought to you by personallifemedia.com. It is suitable for mature audiences only and may contain explicit sexual information.
Marcie Prohofsky: My name is Marcie Prohofsky and welcome to a Taste of Sex: Erotic Poetry Readings. One Taste Irvine Retreat Center in San Francisco is a place of freedom. It is where people come together to explore their desires on a physical level, on an emotional level, on just a raw, raw, raw sensation level. We just don’t write it, we live it.
“…I soften my knees and like a snake charmer I lure him towards me. He lifts his torso up, his head coming closer to my sex and I continue fucking myself until I explode onto his chest and onto his face and he opens his mouth and begins drinking the fluid that squirts from the depths of my swollen sex…”
Marcie Prohofsky: All right Bruce, in his piece called “shoulda, woulda, coulda.”
Bruce: Thank you. This is an impromptu piece inspired by Marisa telling me I had to…
We entered from the warm humid European night, the bar is still filled with smoke as the Europeans do. I looked around, saw the girls and realized that we had entered the gates of Babylon. They sat in a row smiling, gorgeous, blond after blond after blond recently in from Eastern Europe.
Suddenly she walked past me looking exotic, a Thai among the Russians. I touched her shoulder gently. She looked at me and smiled, walked off, came back moments later, took my hand. We walked across the bar and down to her room. She opened the door, an enormous bed back.
We walked first over to the hot tub which she filled. She sat behind me, massaged my neck, my arms, my chest, my legs. We went to the bed and she began to kiss her way down me. She blew me. She took herself and sat on top of me, straddled me, we tried every position. Finally she came back, she put me on top of her chest and sucked until I came. She smiled. We showered, walked back up to the bar. My friends awaited. We went back into the warm humid European night.
[laughter and applause]
Marcie Prohofsky: Who has a “shoulda,” or “woulda,” or “coulda,” that they wished; that they did? Raise your hand. Come on only two regrets in this whole house? I don’t believe you guys. You are all liars. All liars. Rachel, will you alert them to the truth?
Rachel: [inaudible].
Marcie Prohofsky: [Laughs]. Rachel is our resident truthsayer. When you ask Rachel how she is doing, she takes a moment and she pauses. She doesn’t give you any blanket answer. Oh I am fine or I have been better or…She really scans the whole gamut. Gives you every little sensation from being super pissed off to a moment of delight, but generally trampled upon by a lot more pissof.
[laughter and applause]
And we love her, all right. I am actually in complete gratitude for One Taste and Rachel. So give it up for Rachel, this is a piece called, “The Male Om.”
Rachel: My hand is on his cock. I feel the groundedness of a cock, I feel the maleness of it. Back to my hand on his cock. I look around and then check back in with my body. My hand slowly moves from the top of his cock down to the base. As I get to the base, I feel my body relax. I feel the energy start to move down. My hand moves back up and the energy in my body moves up. There is a tightness in my throat and I slowly stroke right below the head of his cock. It feels like I am stroking my throat. I can feel the breath enter my body more fully. Again, I slowly move my hand down his cock and feel myself sink deeper into my body. I am stroking for what feels good to my body. The energy starts to move from the deeper places that have been stuck. It feels like as I am stroking his cock, I am stroking my insides. My pussy starts to convulse and I open.
[laughter and applause]
Marcie Prohofsky: This is another piece by David called “Kindness Counts.” It is about healing the past.
David: It is called Kindness Counts. A blue tree out there on Devil Mountain far away in a cool windy night that is a dead star that does not flicker again, a bad truth, me clean and vibrating learning to fuck money, building and being fucking luck gently till it needs. Stars do fall and the only thing that matters is that kindness counts. God envelope me, I surrender, a body orgasm of love fills me, I surrender to kindness.
[laughter and applause]
Marcie Prohofsky: We have a slinky sister coming up to the mic. Ohhh, she just shook her titties. She is laughing now from her shoulder. This is a piece by Lauren called “Quick Embrace.”
Lauren: Moments of silence, eager yet unknowing. The fog has rolled in but for the swift extension of your hungry lips. Just for that second I’m calmed. But then we pull away and again I need your hands, grab me. No, wait, hold on. Do I even want you? Yeah, I sure do. So why are you still standing there? Why am I? That hold was too brief. Ah, never mind, forget I even asked. Do I even mean that? Give me your tired self. Satisfied in size. Flushed peace just for that moment.
[laughter and applause]
Marcie Prohofsky: I am going to take a dive at the deep end in a piece called “Fluid.” I stand over him, my legs straddling his chest, stroking myself as he watches, up down, up down, my right hand moves firm across my pussy. He watches me and I get hotter and more wet. I feel the swell of the ocean that pushes against the flesh of my sex, seeping through the skin, from the inside, it wells, overflowing the warmth, wet, it lubricates the outside.
My clit grabs hold of my index finger, dragging the middle and ring fingers along for an insatiable ride, we surf. I look down at him, my focus moving changing the depth of feel to connect to his eyes. We lock and I continue to stroke.
My gaze expands spreading over his body and I notice how he is stroking himself up down, up down, his right hand moves firm across the shaft of his cock. My left hand grabs my nipple and pulls, I need the flesh of my breast as I continue stroking myself. My eyes move to focus in on his again until I feel my hand merge into my cavernous hungry cunt and I begin fucking myself. My left hand pulls my hood back as I inch my feet out a little more. I want him to see me deep from below.
I soften my knees and like a snake charmer I lure him towards me. He lifts his torso up, his head coming closer to my sex and I continue fucking myself until I explode onto his chest and onto his face and he opens his mouth and begins drinking the fluid that squirts from the depths of my swollen sex, full and swallowing the walls of my pussy and the walls of his mouth and it drips down his neck, his hands support him from behind. His knees now bend until he drops his head back and I move in closer reaching my free hand down to support his neck. He surrenders and I force him to drink in more of me and he swallows and he swallows and he swallows; my pussy the snake charmer circles above his lips purring, tempting and never coming in so close as to let his lips touch mine.
My hand that fucks myself continues to push in, the sounds of the splashing and gushing and pressing and his smacking and swallowing swells into my awareness and I gush more and shiver for what feels like minutes.
Later on I log on to check my email. I see there is an email from him. A smile peels across my face as I hit the reply button. “Hey, want to meet for more drinks?”
[laughter and applause].
Marcie Prohofsky: And now we are going to meet from my alterego Marcie from New York.
Marcie: Love letter, you are always there. My anchor, my touchstone, a place to ground myself, a place to feel when I couldn’t feel anything else, a place to release emotion, a place to release tension, to relax enough to sleep, an endless ocean of sensation.
You’re a flower, you’re a ocean, you’re a mollusc, you’re a fruit, you’re a conk shell, you’re a [PNE], you’re a rose, you’re a anthurium, you’re a oyster, you’re a pearl, you’re a sweet pea, you’re a orchid, you’re a puppy, you’re a ruby, you’re a pomegranate, papaya. You’re a sea cave, you’re a amethyst cave, you’re sashimi, you’re tongue, you’re penis, you’re a lip, you’re layer after layer opening, opening. You’re a cat’s tongue, you’re a snake slithering, you’re a bee sting, you’re a dragonfly.
You’re full giving birth, you’re empty awaiting a lover’s cock. You’re electric hooked up to my nipples, my feet, my mouth. You’re a mouth, you’re a anus, you’re big red, you’re shell pink. You’re tiny and you’re huge, you’re open, you rise like a cobra, you suck like a baby, you lick like a snake, you open and swell, you close and grip, you smell salty, funky, musky, juicy, dark, wet, sweet, tangy. You’re a whole world with enough room for new plants, animals, oceans and solar system.
My darling Yonnie, today I am here to tell you it is your turn, your day, you’re the queen, the star, now it is time to take your rightful place on the throne, now it is time for men and women, cocks and cunts to bow down before you, revel in your deliciousness, ask how they might serve the queen, I love the way you look, the way you smell, the way you taste, I love all that and I love you.
[laughter and applause].
Marcie Prohofsky: Rachel, exquisite in red, my head is spinning, I am coming down, there is no way I can stay out, there is nothing good about me, I hate everyone. Then I remember fucking. That’s a good way to come down. But I hate everyone. I go and see who is around but don’t talk to anyone and go back to my bed to journal. I am going to be a nun. Sitting on my bed, writing and feeling hasn’t worked before, so I stand up. I see Hepburn, I want to have sex. “Okay” she says, “With who?” Giving no air to the voices saying I can’t have anything. I feel again Hepburn really could get me anyone I want. I hear someone walking up the stairs. Maybe this person I say, there he is, the perfect man, I am attracted but not resistant to him. I say do you want to have sex. He runs and hugs me.
[laughter and applause].
After finding the condoms and using the bathroom, we head to the bed. His lips are soft but firm. He kisses me and flicks his tongue in my mouth, my body feels electric, we kiss some more and his hands slides down to my pussy. I feel electric buzzing lines pulsing down my legs, his fingers go inside and my pussy opens to him, I drink in his fingers and his fingers are hydrating me. I open my eyes and he is looking at me. He enters me and my pussy opens and pulls him in, fuck me hard I say and envelope his cock into me. We end and rush to get ready, I am smiling at everyone. I again know I am whole and loved.
[laughter and applause]
Marcie Prohofsky: So you have had a full experience, ah? Now you believe we don’t just write it, we live it. I want to thank you for tuning in. This radio show has been brought to you by One Taste Irvine Retreat Center in San Francisco and Personal Life Media. To contact us, please send us an email at [email protected]. You can also find out more information by going to personallifemedia.com or check us out at onetastesf.com. Thanks so much, thanks for staying tuned in and thanks most of all for staying turned on.
Announcer: Find more great shows like this on personallifemedia.com.