Episode 1 - Erotic Open Mic Night at Brainwash #1
Erotic Open Mic Night at Brainwash #1
------------- First Half ------------
Marcie Prohofsky: My name is Marcie Prohofsky, and welcome to A taste of Sex Erotic Poetry readings. OneTaste™ Urban Retreat Center in San Francisco is a place of freedom. It’s where people come together to explore their desires on a physical level, on an emotional level, on just a raw, raw, raw sensation level. We don’t just write it, we live it. And we're here, on a Taste of S E P readings to tell you all about it. So stay tuned in, because we're gonna turn you on.
My name is Marcie Prohofsky and I'm the host of a Taste of Sex. And.. yay.. woo hoo. So we have a hot night in store tonight. So this is a collaboration with, tonight with Brain Wash, One Taste and Personal Life Media. So now we've got Abby reading a poem called Forced to Wait. Words to describe it she says 'Oh, sweetness'.
I wrote this poem a month and a half ago.
Our eyes too close to each other to see
Sunlight finds its way through your thick hair
My fingers search the concavities of your torso
And the softest parts of your skin
Tongue finds mine.
Energy rushes in, waves rolling, rising
Barely perceivable when this flow begins,
And when it ends
Deep, I feel you so deeply
Your hardness pushing hungry, consuming
Liquids find every opportunity to excrete
From our mouths, our pores, my welcoming pussy
Your dark glazing eyes see me now
I'm aching for this
Hour by hour by hour
Fuck me, smack me,
I said “Harder”
Oh, such sweetness
Its torture to stop
Until next time
I'm forced to wait
Marcie Prohofsky: Aah, the question is how we can get our desires filled right now with Marissa. With a piece called “Dear pussy, city Cairo”
Come on baby.
Dear pussy, city of Cairo
My pussy, so cozy, familiar, wet
My friend, my lover, my partner in crime
Where do you hide in the wee of the night?
Aah, charging your batteries coming to light?
Leading the way full of courage and might
Knowing me, breaking me, opening me
Like a kite gliding through loneliness
And realms of unknown
Taking me further into the path righteous full-blown
Lead me, take me, carry me home
To the depths of sensation, ruins of my soul
Marcie Prohofsky: So, one of this, the sub-title of this event is “Letters to our pussy”. So, there you go, right now we got Beth with a piece called “Goodnight, good girl”, and this is about interrupting patterns.
Fuck this good girl shit
I'm bored with it
I'm bored with the tears, and stories, and judgements
How do you know the good girl when you see her?
She's polite, sweet. She has extra posture. She's well behaved.
She's quiet and soft spoken too.
She'll take care of you and never need anything.
Your mom loves her.
And behind all that,
I want, want to be devoured
Want to feast, and thrash, and lose control
I want to get dirty
I want the lid taken off
Please, someone, help me get some air in here
I clamp down on my pussy and the lights go out.
I say “No” to my desire and I'm aching trapped.
Not today.
During a lunchtime business meeting I request a quick fuck.
This is not like me, the good girl says
Don’t get the wrong idea
I'm not like those women
Request granted
His cock plunged into me from on top
Then on the side
I squeeze him closer with my legs
Thoughts of my dad flooded in
And i allowed myself the fantasy
How good would that feel,
To get filled up by your creator
Oh, I get the metaphor
Please fill me, please
Take the edges off the gnawing hunger
Please help me flow from place to place
Instead of stuck like glue
To what seems like a sure fucking thing.
All this going through me as he comes in and out of me
He speeds up and the thoughts disappear
There's just cock and pussy,
Tangled hair and my tight fingers
My jaw tight with wanting more, grinding
Then its over, but I’m not done
The good girl would say,
Thank you sir, you're perfect.
You filled me completely.
I wouldn’t want to offend your fragile male ego
So we'll just stop now and that’s fine
I've had enough
I wanna preserve the idea
That just you are enuff for me,
So I’ll quit
Since I’m giving the good girl the day off,
I take off in search of a subsequent fuck
He holds after me, "but i thought i was special!"
I find number two,
We haven’t fucked before.
He's not as surprised as I expected him to be.
We get warmed up, I jump on top of him
Goddamn it, there’s south and then my dad again
His belt buckle is large and engraved
Alright, game on
I'll be your girl, I'll be your toy
Play with me and I’ll shine
Just don’t leave me,
Don’t find someone else better,
Don’t forget about me
I come back to the present
I stroke his cock,
Smooth and silky as he's straddling me
I’m anxious, I want so much more
Plunge into me, pierce me,
Get me past this goddamn mask
His research partner and her curious kiddie self
Come to play with us
They’re so much more than enough to go around
Her lips are sucking my breasts.
My hand is underneath her shirt, grabbing flesh.
Skin all around me, surrounding me, swallowing me
He continues in and out
And I’m pulling on him like I’m wearing spurs
Yet another woman joins us a delicious
Feels like 7 more people could fit on the bed and we'd just feast together.
Breasts, cock, skin, hair, waves, air on my skin
I'm moaning and gratified and
What the fuck problem did I ever have and
Why don’t I do this more often and
The room disappears unto white light behind my eyes
We’re stroking each other softly
Coming down moments of carnal grace.
Marcie Prohofsky: Okay this is Chris, with a piece called “Welcome home”. Hmm, I think he got some action today.
I’m sitting on my bed
Up in the loft, playing with myself
Well, playing with my computers, actually
Which is practically the same thing
An hour or so before I’d been on a 5 hour flight
From the East Coast to San Francisco
So I’m kinda tired, and I’m... unwinding
Chris, are you still up there? she yells out
Yes, I holler back inquisitively
What could she want I wonder
A moment ago I could hear her
Riding around on the bed downstairs with B,
Having a nice fuck by the sound of it.
Am I a little jealous? Ok, yes I was
Yet another moment, where i am left to watch
As others around me bathe in sensual bliss
While I pass by and passed by
I sigh
I wait to hear what she wants
I check my pockets to see if I have enough cash
For the post-coital burrito that I’m probably going to be asked to go fetch
Will you have sex with me?, she cries up
Her voice is plaintive, yet insistent
Now, men out there,
I don’t know what your experience might be, but
Speaking from a strictly personal standpoint,
This is not a request i get very often
In fact, looking back at my past relationships,
Girlfriends, fiancées, and especially my close friends
I recall hearing these words exactly... umm... zero times
So it takes a moment,
But the fact that, yes, i did just hear her correctly
Sinks in and I reply
And while I can’t be certain, it came out
Probably just sounding a little more like 'yeaasss'
But no matter,
Before I know it, she's standing in front of me
Completely naked, laughing.
What? I ask
I’ve never done this before.
Done what?
Had sex with one man right after another.
There’s an awkward pause
Come hither, I say, trying to play it off cool
Like you know, this happens all the time.
And here, thank god, my mind finally starts
To take a break for now.
She’s helping me peel off my clothes
As quickly as possible and we're kissing
And I’m sucking her nipples and biting her neck
She pushes me back on the bed and straddles me
Grinding her bare pussy into the crotch of my jeans
Must get jeans off
We flip over and I’m on top of her
My clothes are finally gone and I’m kissing her more
Nuzzling her neck, licking her skin
I’m not a foreplay girl, she says
Oh, I’m uncertain for a moment
So you just wanna fuck?
She nods
Ok, i can work with that
In fact, this is really the moment I’ve been waiting for.
To just be plugged into this part of myself,
This animal nature that it’s hot and turned on
And has a woman in front of him
Who wants nothing more than to feel
His hard, hot C moving inside of her
Fuck all that foreplay and nice soft strokes
And sweet tender nothings
Its time to fuck and so i dropped down
Into the back of my brain, into the sensation of raw lust
And let the animal out of that cage,
That I’d been keeping him in for so goddamn long
And now I’m inside of her sliding in and out
The goddamn animal, the gorilla, a fucking monster,
Fuck, this feels good,
Our lust moves out into the room and waves,
Attracting the attention of others
Suddenly V is on my left
Can I watch?, she asks mischievously
And now she's kissing her, sucking her nipples
While I keep stroking and pounding
Then M is on my right,
She tears her own shirt off and lays on the other side
And now they’re kissing, sucking each other's tits
And I ride these waves of sensation up and down
One moment fast fucking driving in and out
The next moment slow holding and then fast again
Fucking a pile driver,
Kissing V on my left kissing M on my right
Grabbing thighs, clawing at skin. No control
Feeling their bodies,
The sensation between the four of us building and rising
And finally much too soon it’s as much as my body can handle
I go over
I fly over, I careen over,
An explosion of heat and light and energy
Moving from every corner of my body
Into the center of my being
Down the shaft of my cock
And into her.
Gradually we come down the four of us,
And in my left ear,
Ever the mischievous one, V whispers
Welcome home.
Marcie Prohofsky: Thank you. This show is a production of OneTaste™ Urban Retreat Center and Personal Life Media.
------------- Second Half ---------------
Marcie Prohofsky: So now we have Sheryl with 2 poems. One is called “New York in July” and it’s about the best first day she ever had, and the second is called “In my mind”.
Sheryl: So this is a story about first day glory, summer 2005, and this young man taught me that there aint nothing like New York in July.
Drive up to the countryside
To take a break from the city life
I hardly know him
But I trust him like my brother
And I think I want him like he's my man
We walk across the sand, no words
As the air makes love to our skin
And as a powdery unspeakable magic creates a misty air,
My skirt and hair fly like a flag at full mast
And the lake blackened by night pulls us to the shore
Our toes shrink the silky water
We finally break our eyes away
From the amusement park that lies before us
And look at each other with bashful red cheek smiles
Our faces can’t contain
And simultaneously remove our clothes
As if they shouldn’t have been there to begin with
Cos we were just wearing them to be polite
And we hold hands,
But not really like future lovers
But like children crossing the street
Together for the first time,
Only it’s not a street made with cement,
But a street made with fruit punch and maple syrup
Lined not with trees but with candy canes and lollipops
We awkwardly make our first steps into the lake
And as we put one foot in front of the other
The water pushes back on our feet
And we climb in and as the lake floor lowers
And the water roof rises,
We slowly one finger at a time release our grip
And we each go our separate ways
And in our own private little amusement parks
And aah, swimming in my birthday suit with nothing in sight
But star light and the living room lights of the houses that line the lake
And mommies in windows putting babies to bed
After a long day of rooting and tubing and learning to swim
And the barbeque still smoking and the baby falls asleep,
With dry ketchup in the corners of his mouth
Cos mommy's too tired to chip it off
Or maybe he just looks too cute with it on
And there I am swimming in my fruit punch and maple syrup
And he grabs my wrist from behind my back
And after a quick play battle of tug of war
We swim together like twins in the womb and it’s our birthday
It’s like our first day on earth and we can’t believe our eyes
He pulls me in and wraps my legs around his waist
And lay my body back on the lake surface
And my chest rises as my body floats
And water beats off my skin
Like coconut oil on silk
And he spins around
As if he's the strong solid center of the merry go round
And I look up and all I can see is god's royal flesh, the star formations
And it’s like I’m right smack in the center of the Milky Way
Watching the earth rotate
And water beats in and out
And in my ears tickling my eardrums
Like a light jazzy drum brush do invigorates on my snare
And I feel as if I don’t have a face
Or a mind
Or a body or a brain
It’s like I’m invisible
As lake
As sand melts into body
Body onto lake
Lake onto horizon, horizon into sky and sky just melts
Cos this is a story about first day glory
Summer 2005
And this young man taught me
That there ain’t nothing like New York in July.
So this one I wrote very recently. It’s kind of a test piece, work in progress.
There are many areas of my life that I feel
Are extremely under-developed
Particularly the way that I think
And the things that I think about
When I’m with people I can’t stop thinking
About what they look like naked
And I’m sure I’m not alone in this
I wonder when the last time they had sex was
I wonder if their genitals are currently sore
Sticking and bothered from over-stimulation
And that's why they're being so nice to me
Cos they think that I won’t notice
When someone introduces me to their boyfriend
I don’t hear their name,
All I hear is this is the person I’m having sex with
And it’s the worst when I go on a date with a guy
Cos all I can think about are his testicles
I mean, surely god cud have thought
Of something else to do with those things
I’m gonna refer to them as testicles
Because I believe it’s a more pleasant term than balls.
I mean they're not even shaped like balls.
They’re shaped like eggs.
But it would be way too effeminate for a guy
To refer to his own reproductive organs as eggs
So they refer to them as something analogous
To something far more manly
Like soccer balls baseballs or basketballs
So I have this crazy obsession with testicles
It’s like what in the world are they doing there?
I mean I don’t walk around with my Cole
And a piece of my intestine hanging out
So I learnt that they hang outside the body
And sometimes move up a bit towards the body
To regulate their temperature
But surely god could have thought of another way
Like maybe making them small
And placing them on top of the penis
Close to the body like a little penis crown
Or atleast put them in a monthly cycle
So they drop if that’s time of the month.
I mean surely over time we could strive
To refine the testicle,
Just like we've gone from record to a track to cd to ipod
We could refine the testicle
Ladies and gentlemen,
The surgeon general and god have been hard at work
Collaborating over a century to bring you the new testicle.
The sexy testicle.
You can even download your favorite new music onto it.
Cos they just seem so primitive don’t they?
Yet they're equally fascinating.
And mesmerizing.
One time I was in the hot tub with my boyfriend at the time,
And he stood up to grab his glass of wine
And I couldn’t help but to gently grab him by his thighs
And nestle my face in his saggy ball sac.
I swiped them back and forth
Across the landscape of my face.
It was comforting, nurturing.
It was like cuddling with a baby pig.
And then, sometimes I wonder,
What if he sits on one by mistake?
And maybe they're designed not to be sat on.
I wonder if one is sticking to his leg right now
And when a guy adjusts, I mean once in a blue moon adjusts,
I can kinda understand,
I mean he's got an overgrown fetus in his pants.
And this is the kind of stuff I’m thinking about
When men are talking to me.
And then I’m thinking why is this guy
Talking to me about my job,
I know he wants to know what my nipples look like.
And I think this is the kind of stuff that keeps me separate from people.
Because of all the nonsense that goes on in my mind.
Background of my brain is this younger conversation
That’s driving my communication car.
Its familiar, it’s comfortable, it’s young,
And I think that’s why I feel alone when I’m with people.
I get scared, I get uncomfortable,
I start listening to more
To what my brain has to say about your testicles
Rather than what you have to say about your life.
Marcie Prohofsky: Alright, now we've got Vicky. Hold on tight, fasten your seatbelts, cos we got Vicky in the house, and this is called “She eats”, and this is part 2.
Not turned on by you,
Some other night,
I’m tired
Rejection, navigation,
Let’s go in it and see what’s in there
In her bed, I don’t want to see her,
To look at her, to see myself in her
To see my desire in her eyes
Countless stories of experiences with other girls
Contact, connection,
We found the spot
Our eyes glow in awe and wonder at our stories
It might actually happen
Lets make out she says, and we giggle
Like 4 year old girls playing with Barbie and Ken
And arranging them in different positions.
We come together, slowly, lips lingering over lips
Soft, silky, her warm breath on my lips
Taste and smell of minty freshness and ripe strawberries
Nibbling, sucking, aah, tongue flickering on tongue
Slowing, shyly coming out
Teasing and tugging, then biting
Her body hot and supple, smooth with perfection
And its slightly pimpled patches of skin
Heart counting faster,
Her breasts across my breasts
My hands tracing her neck,
Her shoulders down to her breasts,
Cupping fully my hands
And I pinch her pink peal.
She moans and she groans,
And she rolls me over to my back
Hot tongue on me moist and slick
amah, my god, i am making out with a woman!
Cors all i care is my hands pulling her
Closer to my nipples
Pulling and tugging,
Legs rubbing on each other
Thighs rubbing, pelvis grinding,
I swim in sandy sun kissed omen smells
Of her hair and creamy flesh
The heat rises up,
Our breaths coming in and out
Labored and hard,
We eating at each other
Hungry for touch and kissing
And tongue and lips and nipples
From another woman
Firm ass, curve thighs smooth stomach,
We are wrapped in a warm thick bubble
Of pleasure and connection and heat,
And bodies orgasmic, and pussies getting wet
And wetter.
Our bodies are locked
In a dance of hunger and pleasure
I wanna go down on you she says.
Oh my god, i screamed out
And we both laughed,
And i almost go over, just from those words,
She is awake and she is hungry
And she has not tasted and been tasted
By a woman in a long time.
She makes her way down,
Hot tongue kissing and licking a trail of fire.
My pussy waits eagerly waiting hungrily,
Ah, yes, contact.
Her tongue flickers on my clit
And my mind almost blows out.
Tongue pressing harder and I’m breathing hard
Running a marathon,
And my pussy eating and being eaten
And she is drinking and being drunk
And begging and being fulfilled.
We climb up higher and higher,
Electricity running all over my body
Hot fingers running in her hair,
Nipples hard, waves running over my head
As she eats and i eat
And she eats and i eat
And I drink and digest.
She is hungry with tongue on her
Dancing with her
Playing with her
And now she wants more
Now she wants penetration.
And she is aching and longing
And calling for more and begging for more
Her finger hears the cry and comes in slowly
And to wet hot moist cave oh my god,
In and out and long lingering strides
And I am dying and awaking
And dying and awaking lie
Stars to burn deep in my core and igniting
And glowing bigger as her tongue flickers
And sucks on my clit and her finger gliding in and out of her.
Electricity running
And she's blowing and contracting
And pulling in her finger
And wanting to suck her finger deep in me
And deep and deeper and sucking her in
And pinch and a pinch in core
And the light is glowing
And my body hot and breathing hard
And uhh…
Light explodes and washes over my body
Like a flood
And my body clenches and tightens
And breathing stops, heart pounding,
Stomach agilating, pussy contracting
With her finger deep inside me
And her tongue on me.
A line of orgasm connects us,
Our bodies merged into one
Dancing in the warm thick bubble
Of orgasm and pleasure.
Now my pussy wants to eat some more.
A trail of hot kisses on smooth skin.
Down on her.
Smell of raw flesh, raw moist flesh,
Tongue tasting sweet and salty juice,
Thick and creamy,
Tongue on her clit sucking
And she is riding and we are riding
Our bodies, dancing in the orgasm
And my stomach adulating
Wrapped around smooth flesh held
Captivated by her taste.
My finger exploring
A cave of hot wet silk
Pillowy flesh and slick
Running in and out of her
She’s dripping, smell of wet flesh,
And taste of raw skin and pussy
And we climb connected
By a white string of orgasm
Wrapped in a thick bubble
And I’m in and out
Riding faster and higher
She bursts and my body arches
And bursts with her.
I feel her heart beat
I feel her heart beat
And I hear her breathing
And my breath on her skin
Inside me her desire in me.
We have merged 2 bodies, one orgasm,
Desire and lust and pleasure
The other side of resistance.
We tasted, we teased, we ate, we drinked,
We swallowed, we are nourished
Hunger satisfied for now.
Marcie Prohofsky: So you've had a full experience, haan? Now you believe we don’t just write it, we live it.
I want to thank you for tuning in. this radio show has been brought to you by onetaste™ urban retreat center in San Francisco and personal life media. Contact us. Please send us an email at [email protected]. You can also find more information by going to personallifemedia.com or check us out at onetasteofsex.com.
Thank you so much, thanks for staying tuned in, and thanks most of all, for staying turned on.