Guest – André Angelantoni

André Angelantoni is the founder of Inspiring Green Leadership (), a training and coaching company dedicated to supporting businesses who want to be a thriving and healthy presence on the planet.

Inspiring Green Leadership has worked with over 30 companies in the Bay Area supporting them as they green their operations and in most cases obtaining their Green Business Certification. The company is a member of the Business Council on Climate Change and a partner of Sun's community carbon-reduction initiative. 

André also coaches individuals who are committed to the environment and are unsatisfied with how quickly they are getting results. He is also a primary curriculum designer for the Six-Month Energy Diet for Business, a six-month group coaching program that takes place over the web. It is designed to teach businesses how to lower their energy use and thus their carbon footprint. 

André used to work with businesses as an executive coach just to increase their sales until he saw both the condition of the planet and the possibility the he could lead a more fulfilled life by working to improve it. Now he works with businesses who have a commitment to the planet and their people as well as to their bottom line.

Aside from running Inspiring Green Leadership, he is also just launching Post Carbon Marin, an initiative in his county to prepare it for peak oil and climate change.

André is an insightful and engaging speaker who educates his audiences on environmental topics, from preparing for peak oil and addressing climate change to effective, dynamic leadership. He is proud to call himself a tree hugger with a business sense and his favorite trip is to rain forests; he has visited them in Australia, Central America and British Columbia. He is a Canadian transplanted to California and now lives with his wife just north of San Francisco.