Guest – Charlotte Kasl

Charlotte Kasl has an M.A. in Music from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Ohio University. She is the author of eight books and has begun work on her ninth. The thread running through all of her work is helping people find their own voice, accept themselves and develop a spiritual and social consciousness that increases understanding and compassion for all people.

Dr. Kasl's empowerment model, known as the "16 Steps," for recovery from addiction has had a major impact on the addiction field. This 16-Step model brings a flexible, socially-conscious approach to recovery and seeks to build self-esteem and a sense of personal empowerment. Numerous programs throughout the United States and Canada have adopted the 16-Step program, including programs for battered women, pregnant addicted women, Native Americans, African Americans, addicted teenagers, and women in prison.

Dr. Kasl has been listed in Self Magazine as one of fifty Sage Psychologists in the United States. In 1997, she received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity for her work with women and sexuality. In 2000, If the Buddha Dated was one of five finalists for the Nation Books for Better Living Awards. Dr. Kasl, a member of the Quakers, The Society of Friends, is an accomplished pianist and avid hiker.