Paul H. Ray received a BA, cum laude, in Anthropology from Yale University, and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Michigan. He designed and ran the original survey research that identified the Cultural Creatives, covering 15 years. Cultural Creatives are the core customer base of the $230 billion LOHAS industry. In business, government and academe, he has headed research on over 100 major research and consulting projects, and written reports on them all. Sponsors and clients include many government agencies and large corporations. His current research includes surveys on developments beyond left and right in politics, "the New Political Compass," and theoretical and practical work on the design of a wisdom civilization, working with NGOs, with new political groups and governments, and with green and socially responsible businesses.
Formerly, Paul was Executive Vice President of American LIVES, Inc., a market research and opinion polling firm specializing in surveys based on the Lifestyles, Interests, Values, Expectations and Symbols of Americans; Chief of Policy Research on Energy Conservation, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources of the Government of Canada; and Associate Professor of Urban Planning and a Faculty Associate of the Institute for Social Research, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. He is a Founding Board Member of Green Economic Movement Strategies that works with both businesses and nonprofit groups whose clients or constituents are cultural creatives, especially in the area of green and natural products and services, and in emerging green politics.
His recent publications include:
Co-author with Sherry Ruth Anderson, The Cultural Creatives: How 50 Million People Are Changing the World, Harmony Book, Random House, NY, 2000;
"The Emerging Culture" American Demographics, February, 1997;
The Integral Culture Survey: A Study of the Emergence of Transformational Values in America, Research Monograph, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Sausalito, CA, 1996;
"The Rise of Integral Culture" Noetic Sciences Review, Spring, 1996;
"Altruism as Value-Centered Action" Noetic Sciences Review, Spring, 1993.
Paul serves as Chair for the Emerging Wisdom Culture at Wisdom University, is a Fellow of the World Business Academy, and a Creative Fellow of the Club of Budapest.