Danielle Brigida, is a marketing and social media expert working with the National Wildlife Federation, and she also blogs, WildlifePromise.org and NWF.org/view. As the United States largest conservation organization, NWF works with over 4 million members, partners, and supporters nationwide to actively educate, develop resources, and promote achievable solutions. They seek to empower and inspire everyday Americans to address causes including Global Warming, protecting and restoring wildlife habitat, and connecting people with nature.
Within her role at NWF, Danielle specializes in the use of social media and other tools to engage activists to protect wildlife. Among her social networking duties, Danielle is NWF's lead voice on Facebook, MySpace, Care2, Change.org, Digg, StumbleUpon and other sites, where Danielle tracks emerging trends and finds the most effective ways to engage individuals with wildlife causes. She graduated from Christopher Newport University with a B.A. in Technical Writing, and says that she spends her spare time reading and enjoying the outdoors, far away from the computer screen.