Life Zero
John Flowers, Ben Durbin & Laraley

Episode 101 - Anticipation

The Missing Episode...

I would also like to thank Tommy Wingo for kindly editing the podcast, removing the "uhs" and "uhms" and generally making the podcast sound a hell of a lot better than it normally would, if I had just posted it straight from my Olympus voice recorder. Alternately, there were some gentle ocean waves in the background, which are very, very zen and calming, so that could have been a good thing, except it largely overpowered my voice most of the time.

Live and learn, but I believe it is better to put something out than nothing and Life Zero is all about minimizing the amount of stuff in your life and living more simply, so I think it is a win either way.

You, the listener, can be the final judge of this, of course.

Thanks for being patient. Episode 104 will be out soon and available in all the normal places... like, iTunes, for example.