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Susan Bratton
Crave authority? Visibility? Want to attain a power position? Want to be a leader with your own personal brand? Then model the behavior of successful entrepreneurs, CEOs and executives. Join Susan Bratton, industry connector, cognoscenti and creator of the Talk Show Tips System as she combines her bold approach and playful persona in this dishy mix of a talk show that dives deep into the life lessons of fascinating individuals from the world of digital media, advertising, marketing, social media and Web 2.0. Get pearls of wisdom, smart advice and warnings to heed. Susan gets titans of industry to reveal themselves, not just their business strategy, through personal stories, their biographies, exploits and escapades. She goes beyond executive development to uncover the actions that get results. Find out what life is like as a big cheese, how they got where they are and what they want next in their lives. This show will mentor you so you can leave your own legacy of leadership. Be inspired. Be amazed. Most of all…be entertained. Voted #1 Best Podcast on Social Media by Top Rank Blog. SCROLL DOWN HERE TO LISTEN TO RECENT EPISODES. A Sample of DishyMix Guests: * Marcus Buckingham, The Truth About You * John Zogby, The Way We'll Be * Pete Blackshaw, Tell 3,000 * Alex Bogusky, Crispin, Porter + Bogusky * Peter Shankman, Help A Reporter * Ori Brafman, SWAY * John Battelle, Federated Media * Charlene Li, Groundswell * Joe Pine, Authenticity * Gina Bianchini, Ning * Sarah Fay, Isobar * Julie Roehm * Seth Godin * Wenda Harris Millard * Steve Wozniak * Dov Seidman, HOW * Sir Ken Robinson * David Weinberger, Cluetrain Manifesto * Bob Garfield, AdAge * C.C. Chapman * Mitch Joel


Oren Klaff, Pitch Anything Part II

Part Two of TwoPart One of TwoOren Klaff it a pitch monster who goes for the deal in a way that takes bravado, chutzpah and an underlying EMOTIONAL connection.In this 2 part series, learn how to apply Oren's boardroom formula to your online marketing.We give you the pitching blue... Read More


Oren Klaff – Pitch Anything: Present, Persuade and Win The Deal

Part One of TwoOren Klaff it a pitch monster who goes for the deal in a way that takes bravado, chutzpah and an underlying EMOTIONAL connection.In this 2 part series, learn how to apply Oren's boardroom formula to your online marketing.We give you the pitching blueprint which inc... Read More


Carrie Tillman, Building Character into Your Email Marketing

Carrie Tillman runs a successful online business and does it primarily through email marketing.Her character, Shelley McMurtry, has legions of fans and followers she actively monetizes.Learn the process that Carrie goes through to create a lovable character that gets results.Find... Read More


Real Time Emotional Patterns

It's likely you have an innate skill you're not fully utilizing in your marketing -- the ability to see "real time emotional patterns" in the conversations your customers are having with you.Listen in as Susan tells you about six "Real Time Emotional Patterns" she leveraged using... Read More


Sean D’Souza The Secret Life of Testimonials

In the first 5 minutes Sean divulges the six questions that get you fantastic testimonials for your product or service.Listen now to find out:You have a formula for Testimonials. What is it and how did you arrive at this particular set of questions?When and where in the structure... Read More


David Spark on Brand Journalism

David Spark has a fresh, smart way to give your brand a voice in the market that is efficient and most effective when done at a conference your company is attending.He calls it, brand journalism (an old way of saying it is custom publishing or content marketing). What he does is ... Read More


Joe Sugarman on Why People Don’t Buy

Join me as I talk to the legendary Joe Sugarman about why people buy.Known for selling 20 million pairs of BluBlocker sunglasses, Joe cut his teeth as a print advertising wizard in the 70-90's. Find out how he came up with his famous 30 Psychological Purchase Triggers and how to ... Read More


Chef Keith Snow Syndicating The Harvest Eating Brand

Chef Keith Snow is building a sustainable, seasonal, local food and cooking brand. Hear about his syndication strategies, his tiered membership offering and the platforms that work best for him to evangelize and monetize the inspiring prospect of eating good, local foods in seaso... Read More


Scott Boulch Viral Facebook Webinars

Webinars are viral, a great source of leads and perfect for "closing" business. Scott Boulch has created FBWebinars so you can leverage the "endorsed traffic" within Facebook.Listen to this excellent interview where we not only discuss the mechanics of a webinar program but learn... Read More


Conner Galway on Facebook Page Cheats and Shortcuts

Conner Galway is a major up-and-comer in the agency world. Junction Marketing is his Vancouver, BC agency where they are performing the latest feats of social marketing for their clients.Get Conner's cheats and shortcuts for making effective Facebook promotions and Pages.Lea... Read More
