Eric Schwartzman on Automated Social Content Marketing
Susan Bratton

Episode 208 - Eric Schwartzman on Automated Social Content Marketing

The "Spinfluencer," Eric Schwartzman shares his strategies for content marketing, automated social media marketing and social media policy.

Learn hwy content marketing is good, but automated social media marketing, though riskier and tougher, is more sustainable.

See how social graphs are colliding as LinkedIn and Twitter integrate with sites like Amazon and Facebook to montage social graphs with more actionable data.

Learn about new companies like Janrain, Jive, DoubleDutch and Infinigraph.

Learn why the C-Suite imperative is to become digitally astute.

And what companies like B&H, Crutchfield and Hoovers are doing to leverage social for competitive revenue growth.

Eric Schwartzman is co-author of Social Marketing to the Business Customer. Listen to your B2B marketing, generate major account leads and build client relationships.



Susan Bratton: Welcome to DishyMix. I’m your host, Susan Bratton. And I’m super excited because on today’s show you’re going to get to meet someone I dearly adore and have for many years. His name is Eric Schwartzman. Eric is an online marketing consultant, a brother in arms, and co-author of a new book called Social Marketing To The Business Customer. Not only am I excited for you to meet Eric, ‘cause he’s just a super cool dude, but we’re going to talk about content marketing. Content marketing is a new, you know, a fairly new concept and I think if you have a lot of content or a complex product or a luxury brand or a B2B product that requires some explanation, anything that isn’t a simple consumer packaged good that requires a lot of explanation can work really well in content marketing. Of course, as can information products, and I’m sure Eric will tell me that consumer packaged goods might work too. So lets get him on the line and welcome him. Hi Eric.

Eric Schwartzman: Hi Susan. Thanks for having me.

Susan Bratton: Oh my god, are you kidding me? It’s my pleasure. I can’t – Eric how come we’ve never done a DishyMix together before.

Eric Schwartzman: Well gosh, you know, I’ve been listening for so long, you know, from the days of the Portable Media Expo and…

Susan Bratton: Oh lord, you’re dating us man.

Eric Schwartzman: the downloadable media society…

Susan Bratton: Yeah, Association For Downloadable Media, one of my failed endeavors. One of the long lists of things I did that was a flop. Turns out podcasters don’t really care about making money, you know. For the most part.

Eric Schwartzman: I’ll tell you, you know, you’ve been doing this for a while now. So have I…

Susan Bratton: I know.

Eric Schwartzman: And I think we’re both doing pretty well actually.

Susan Bratton: Well I would never give up my DishyMix. I really love it. It creates countless opportunities for me in a lot of different ways. But lets not talk about that. I really want to get into content marketing. It’s all the rage. I love it. And I want you to first of all explain what content marketing is and why this new concept you think is so powerful that it’s really a big focus of yours now.

Eric Schwartzman: Well so the first thing is I don’t actually think it’s that powerful. I think it’s somewhat powerful.

Susan Bratton: Okay.

Eric Schwartzman: But I want to start the conversation with content marketing, ‘cause I think it’s a subject people can get their arms around. It makes a lot of sense, the idea that you would somehow create content designed to get found by people who have a certain problem that your product or service can solve. Couple companies that do a very good job of it, B&H Photo in New York, [inaudible], which sells consumer stereo equipment. I mean these are the types of companies that create all this really useful content and you wind up Googling, you know, outdoor speaker cables and they come up and they have an article about how to run your speaker wire outside, and then you wind up of course buying the speakers from them because they gave you the information.

And, you know, the reason I say I think content marketing is so hot right now is one of the best selling books in the category, you know, in our category is a book by Anne Hadley and CC Chapman called Content Rules. And it’s just selling like hotcakes because it’s a very straightforward concept, this idea that, oh, I’ll create content that people need to make purchasing decisions, and I’ll search engine optimize it against – not my brand name – but against buyer oriented keywords, general keywords that someone might be searching when they’re looking for answers. And then of course they’ll find me and I’ll get into their good graces by educating them and then hopefully they’ll choose me when they want to make their purchase.

Susan Bratton: Now a question. For my DishyMix listeners that actually have a lot of already pre-written content, lets talk about somebody who has that, maybe a lot of email auto responders or, you know, a lot of content that they’ve created that’s housed in some, you know, location that they could have access to, that they could republish or re-purpose as content in this content marketing strategy. What do you do? You’ve got this information. Are you doing article marketing? Are you putting it on your website? What are you doing? What is content marketing?

Eric Schwartzman: Well when you think about how you’re going to park the content online and find people, I generally tend to advocate a homeland embassy strategy, meaning that you would park the content on your homeland, which could either be a blog at your domain or a website at your domain, but somewhere where you control the layout of the page rather than a place like Facebook or Twitter or YouTube where you can park content but ultimately YouTube and Facebook and Twitter are going to sell advertising to others against that content. So I think it makes a lot of sense to build embassies on social media channels because there’s a lot of activity there and you can tap into those hot pockets of activity and hopefully invite people to your homeland. But the homeland is where you’re going to have less resistance translating awareness into a transaction.

So if I had, you know, a client with all this great content, what I’d do is I’d try to get them to park that content as close to the buy button as I could on their own domain, and then of course if they could figure out a way to take short pieces of that content, interstitial size, bite size pieces of that content and make it available through other channels so that people could discover it there and then come back home to feast on the full meal, I mean that makes more sense.

Susan Bratton: So then you would put all this content on your own website and you’d SEO optimize it so it could be discovered.

Eric Schwartzman: You could do that, and then you would also, you probably would move links in the right linked in groups, right, appropriate linked in groups. You’d probably Tweet them out. You’d probably park them on Facebook. You know, find the hot pockets of activity that exist already and try to move conversations that are already underway forward by obviously advancing the dialogue in a way that’s constructive. You know, we’ve heard it before.

But I don’t want to stop a content marketing, because I think, you know, that’s where we are right now. That’s where everybody, you know, is focused. But I think there are other opportunities beyond that that are getting less attention. I mean there’s a few organizations out there kind of killing it in these other channels. But I do think it’s the future of online marketing. I do not believe the future of online marketing is content marketing.

Susan Bratton: Okay, what’s the future?

Eric Schwartzman: So there’s two other approaches that we see gaining steam. They’re much tougher. They’re much more risky. But when you do it right they’re more sustainable. And the first would be, you know, community management rather than, you know, trying to tent pole some sort of a conversation or trying to create content that would get found by someone, you would instead create some sort of an environment where customers could educate customers, peer to peer.

Example would be SAP’s community network. I don’t know if you’ve heard about it, but they’ve got this B2B social network, which is branded, it’s their own little network. You have to be approved to get into it. They’ve got two million members. Highly active community. And essentially they’re making a market for the products and services without propelling that conversation through marketing or direct sales. You’ve got system integrators talking to other system integrators, customers talking to customers, and they’re making a market by self-educating.

Susan Bratton: Communities are a big, big commitment. What do you think it costs for the average company to build a community? What platforms do you like? And how many people does it take to man it on the high side and the low side?

Eric Schwartzman: Well I can tell you for SAP – and there’s actually a chapter in our book about choosing platforms, because I do believe that the most important strategic decision any online marketer makes is the platform they choose to host their community or their environment or their website, because there’s nothing more disruptive than migrating from one platform to another.

But having said that, I know at SAP they’ve got four full time community managers that are 25% allocated to managing the community, and you know, beyond that the community pretty much manages itself. The community manager’s jobs are, they call themselves ‘farmers’. Their job is to weed out the off topic conversations and fertilizers the on topic conversations. In terms of what they’re using to host, they’re using Jive, which you’ve probably heard of. It’s a popular platform that you can scan and is used to drive a custom branded social network. And for them, I think it makes sense.

I don’t think necessarily that makes sense for everyone because you could have a community on Facebook as well. You could have a community on LinkdIn. You don’t necessarily need a private branded white label social network. But I certainly think, you know, the prospect of creating some sort of a community where peers can educate peers. It’s a lot sustainable than content marketing, ‘cause something like that is not going to be directly tied to the amount of content that you feed into the system, right. People are going to be able to educate each other once they’ve found each other in perpetuity. So, you know, it’s going to pay greater dividends and it’s not directly tied to the amount of content that you create ‘cause other people create the content.

Susan Bratton: Now you said when we started that content marketing was something that was a lot of people are doing now and that you had two things that you said were really new or you said tougher, riskier, yet more sustainable, and one of them was community. What was the other one?

Eric Schwartzman: So the other approach, which I think is just starting to gain some steam and we’ve heard the folks at LinkdIn talk about it before their IPO, is this idea of automated social media marketing. And to explain it to you, consider, you know, these – I don’t know if you were at South By Southwest this last year. I know you go frequently. Did you go this last year?

Susan Bratton: I did not.

Eric Schwartzman: Okay. So once you were registered to attend South By Southwest you had access to a section of the event website called My South By Southwest. Or maybe it was South By Social. Yeah, it was South By Social. And once you went into South By Social, you could put in your Twitter ID, you could put in your LinkdIn ID, and you could put in you Facebook ID, and it would search and see if any other registered attendees were also your Facebook friends or your LinkdIn friends. So that’s very useful, right, ‘cause we go to these conferences, there’s tons of people there. We want to make sure we, you know, have a chance to hook up with people we know, deepen our relationships. We go there to network, so we want to try to network as many people as we can. But, you know, it’s always sort of happenstance of whether or not we’re actually going to run into the people that we know who are there and often you go to an event and you come back and you run into somebody and say, “Oh I was there.” “I was there too.” “Oh, we should’ve got together.” But we didn’t know we were there.

So they offered this tool actually that was through a company called Gen Rain, and it was called Social Synch. And by allowing you to synchronize your social networks with their conference attendees you got sort of that discovery, right. That’s automated. South By Southwest’s marketing team doesn’t have to do anything to be relevant to me for that to be meaningful and to be valuable to me. And now I’m going to have a better experience at the conference and chances are I’m going to share that experience with others. Another cool example of this Gen Rain platform, which offers what they call contact management for the social web, they integrated with Lady Gaga’s website. So you go to Lady Gaga’s website, and in the upper right hand corner it says, “Log in with Facebook.” You may have seen it on other sites – “Log in with Twitter,” “Log in with Google.” Once you log in with Facebook, right, you’ve not only given them your personal information from your profile, you’ve also recommended that website on your news feed to your Facebook friends, right. And you’re now following that page so they have a persistent connection with you.

So think back in the days of RSS, right, and the headache of having to actually, you know, copy and paste an RSS feed into an RSS reader. Now by just clicking a Like button or log in with Facebook or log in with Twitter, it essentially becomes a form of like subscription or RSS, but the people actually use, and of course you’ve wound up recommending this page to your friends in your news feed, which is probably why, you know, Facebook is valued at $50 billion, this idea of scaling the social web, you know, not one to many, but one to one to many, right. You recommended to me and I recommended to my friends, one of my friends recommends it to their friends and so on and so forth. I have more examples of this sort of automation, which have captured my fancy lately. I notice there’s a little company that just got funding up in Silicon Valley – actually misstatement. I think they’re in San Francisco. But the name of the company’s called Double Dutch. And they’ve got this skimmable mobile app that you can use for events. And Cisco took it and they skimmed it for events. You can now download it for iPhone or download it for Android, and it essentially allows you to social network via mobile at an event, and of course you can publish any of those shares out to Facebook or LinkdIn or Twitter as well. You can check in locally or you can check in on Four Square.

Now at first glance you might look at this and think, “Well my gosh, what’s the point? People have Twitter already.” Well there’s some very real challenges that event organizers have. If you are doing strategic corporate events and you have a need to train people, get people trained in new technology at that event or trained to be able to sell something at those events, you want people attending the sessions, you don’t want them hanging out in the bar, right. So one of the things you could use with, you could do with a mobile device like this is you could put a QR code up on the screen at the beginning and at the end of every session. And of course in order to prove that you attended the session, you have to be able to collect both of those codes and store them, so there’d be no fake check-ins.

Or lets say, for example, it’s a conference organizer that’s always trying to drive traffic to the exhibiters, right. That’s always a challenge. We’ve got the sessions, we’ve got the exhibitors, we want people to attend the, to visit the exhibitors or they’re not going to be able to, you know, underwrite the costs of our seminar, of our conference. Well you could use QR codes and people could actually check in with the QR codes using this little app. And I’ve been testing it for probably three weeks now, and I’m blown away with how well it works, how solid it is, but what also is interesting to me is I have a lot of friends on Facebook, I have a lot of friends on Twitter. I think I was reading in Ad Age, Steve Rubel was writing that, you know, in this sort of arms race to gather as many friends and followers as we can we wound up with these communities that are not so useful and sometimes very difficult to tame. But what happens is, you know, once you take that community and you look at it through a specific lens, say the lens of the Cisco Events Mobile App, now I can see who in that community is interested in Cisco or interested in that area of interest.

And it reminds me, you know – I don’t know if I ever mentioned this to you, but I went to film school and studied, you know, the history of narrative film. And if you think back about, you know, when film first appeared, they basically would take a shot of a locomotive, you know, coming towards the camera and that was it, you know. That was sort of it, “Wow, a moving image. Isn’t it incredible?” And then this guy in Russia, Sergei Eisenstein, started actually to juxtapose images together. So he’d take a picture of someone’s face and then, you know, a storm or a picture of someone’s face and a gun. And he sort of found that when you compare, when you put pieces of information together, right, meaning is derived. We look at it and we see meaning. I think we’re moving into the sort of semiotics montage phase of social media now. We started where it was LinkdIn and it was Facebook. But now we’re starting to realize that when we compare the data sets, right. When we overlay them and we look at them through different lenses, that’s where the meaning derives.

And two examples of this with LinkdIn, you know, most people look at LinkdIn today, which is their new feature that allows you to look at news based on different industries. But why would I want that? I have enough places to get my news. What’s interesting about it is the news is being basically curated and edited based on the profile information of my LinkdIn community, right. So now it’s not so much about having the community and messaging the community and, you know, sharing on groups; it’s about using that profile information to get better insight and better information.

Another example is a service that they launched, which a lot of people don’t know about, called LinkdIn Signal. And if you just go to your LinkdIn profile page, you go right below LinkdIn today. There’s actually on the right hand side just to the left of the advertisements in the right hand column, a little search button, and if you click that search button and put in a keyword, assuming you’ve sunk up your Twitter with your LinkdIn, you can now search Twitter based on the profile information of the LinkdIn community, right. So now it’s not just Twitter, it’s not just LinkdIn; it’s the two together.

Susan Bratton: Give me an example of how you’ve recently used that.

Eric Schwartzman: So I’m doing some work for a plastics company right now. They’re a major supplier of raw materials to the plastic trade. I’ll tell you Susan, I don’t know anyone in the plastics industry. It’s not my world. I don’t know the first thing about it. But I do have 1,500 contacts on LinkdIn. Because I have synchronized my Twitter with my LinkdIn, if I go into LinkdIn and search “injection molding” I see friends of friends in that business. I see them at different companies. I see them in different parts of the world. And now I can start to network through my contacts to expand my contacts to that area where I want to build relationships. And that’s incredibly powerful. The shares that I’m finding are not shares that were made on LinkdIn. They’re shares that were made by other LinkdIn users who have synchronized their Twitter with their LinkdIn.

Susan Bratton: That totally makes sense. Thank you.

Eric Schwartzman: So in essence it becomes another lens, right, by overlaying LinkdIn, right, which is blue, a primary color, over Twitter, which is yellow, a primary color, I get green and that’s a complimentary color, right. And that’s the idea of montage, right, that the sum, that the result is greater than the sum of its parts, right. You put these elements together and you get more out of it, and I think that’s where we’re headed. We’re headed into this area of being able to get a better psychographic and demographic profile of our customers than ever before. Not based on how old they are or where they live or the color of their skin, but on what they like and what groups they’re members of, right, and what they share and how many followers they have. It’s a whole new world and I think the potential is really exciting.

Susan Bratton: You are so eloquent. I adore listening to you, and you have the floor. I want to ask you a question, what you were really talking about was the integration of multiple social graphs to dive deeper into information. But you started out by talking about automating social media marketing. You used Gen Rain and Double Dutch as examples of that. And it brought to mind the concept that’s automating content marketing in a way. Are you familiar with Chase McMichael and his company InfiniGraph?

Eric Schwartzman: I am not.

Susan Bratton: Okay. So this is another you might be interested in. What Chase does is essentially curate content. So lets just say a brand has a, you know, a Facebook audience or a Twitter audience. He finds out what those people are talking about, what they’re Tweeting about or writing about or whatever it might be. And then he says, “Mr. Brand, these are the other things that people, who like you or follow you or connected to you, these are the other conversations that are happening in their world, these are the other things that they care about.” And so you could make a real easy analogy with like a diaper company and other baby related things, right. So instead of just talking about diapers, you’re talking about other baby related things.

And what he does is find other feeds – maybe they’re Twitter feed, maybe they’re some other kind of feed – he’s using feeds and RSS to – I hope I’m explaining this right – to essentially bring more content into your feeds as a brand that is tangentially and associated with the conversations that your customers are having. So when you are Tweeting things out or posting things or blogging about things or whatever it might be, you’re talking about other stuff your people like, which means they feel like you get them better, and you’re providing more of a service ‘cause you’re not just focused on your own brand, you’re focused on the things your followers care about. I think that’s interesting. What do you think?

Eric Schwartzman: I think it’s interesting too but, you know, I wonder if we are moving into a phase where marketing actually, the act of, you know, procuring new business leads becomes less important. And I’ll tell you what I’m thinking here. You know, as organizations become more digitally literate – and, you know, for those of us that are listening to this podcast, you know, I would say we’re probably in the bubble. And so, you know, we don’t need to share basic information among ourselves. But, you know, as you know, you know, when you get outside the bubble things change a little bit. People think they may get this stuff and then often they don’t, right. And it seems to me the shortest path to socializing an organization is first taking the time to determine what can be said in public and what needs to be kept in private, coming up with some formal guideline so everyone in the organization understands what can be public and what should be private, and then letting people use these channels to get their job done if it’s public information.

Because, you know, if I take a call, if I’m a sales person and I take a call from someone and I’m an expert and I spend 15, 20 minutes on the phone with them convincing them that I’m an exert and selling them my product and closing the sale, really the only value I have from that activity is that one sale; whereas if I had performed that via digital media, if that conversation had occurred in a digital environment that’s discoverable and sharable, right, then I would be leaving behind some sort of digital breadcrumb that would pay dividends beyond that conversation. And so I think, you know, the more we see recruiting, logistics, RND, really all facets of business that can be performed via social, the more companies do that, they more marketing just becomes a byproduct of using those channels.

Susan Bratton: Yes, it’s difficult to ask companies to do a lot of that work. I think companies are still worried about privacy and keeping their information to themselves, you know?

Eric Schwartzman: I agree, but I mean we are in an environment here where, you know, the strategy of defending and locking down the fortress is unrealistic. I mean we have seen now the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of State be challenged by wiki leaks. You know, there are countless high profile stories of organizations buckling under the pressure of social media. I mean just last week Burson Marsteller tries to run a smear campaign for their client Facebook via email and they get pummeled. Or Comcast tries to pull funding from real girls because they put out a Tweet that’s critical of their hiring of a former FCC commissioner, and they get pummeled as well, you know. Or overstock in JC Penny, you know, practice blackhead SEO and they get manually demoted in the search ranks. I mean digital illiteracy, particularly in the C Suite, is it’s everywhere right now.

So I mean I think the only, the only practical way of getting from there to a place that’s sustainable is basically saying to everybody, “Look, we know you use Facebook. We realize its part of your life. We’re not going to, you know, block our network from accessing it ‘cause we realize you’re using it anyways, and by the way, we expect you to turn around emails weekends and nights, so isn’t it only fair that you can use Facebook here.” I mean the reason they block social media is ‘cause they haven’t taken the time to say what can and can’t be done, ‘cause they don’t want to put, first of all they don’t have the ability or the education to be able to set those boundaries, but two, they want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to be able to pounce when they want to pounce and look the other way when they want to look the other way. And I think ultimately that’s going to hurt them with recruiting, its going to hurt them with, you know, retaining talent. All you can do if you can’t lock down the fortress is equip the troops to maneuver in the field, and you do that through guidelines and you do that through training.

Susan Bratton: Is there a location that you’d recommend we could find some good standard guidelines? Anyone publish anything that you recommend?

Eric Schwartzman: You know, I actually wrote the policy for Edison and was part of the team that wrote the policy for the Marine Corp, and I actually published a template. You know, have your lawyer look at it, but I mean this is, everything’s covered here if you want to pull it down. It’s would be a good place to start. Also my friend Chris Boudreau has the – what does he call it – Social Media Policy website where he runs a database with links to social media policies. Mine’s there but there are others there too. So that’d be a good place to start.

Susan Bratton: Thank you.

Eric Schwartzman: But, you know, the hard part Susan with policy is not the policy. The hard part is educating the stakeholders who are going to approve the policies. They know what should and shouldn’t be in it, right. You’ve got to build a stakeholder community, which includes representatives from all major departments, and you’ve got to educate them. And you can’t educate them by telling them how well they’re going to be able to market through these channels; you’ve got to tell them how this affects them. How does it affect the legal department? How does it affect HR? How does it affect the C Suite? How does it affect RND? And that’s a lot of work, right? It can be done, but you’re only going to get a half an hour to make your case, so you better be prepared.

Susan Bratton: Thank you for that. I’m going to move on to another question because I know we’re almost out of time. We can only expect people to listen to us so much, no matter how fascinating you are Eric. I have three things I want to ask you, and the first thing I want to know is who did you write your book for, Social Marketing To The Business Customer? Who is it really targeted to within a B2B selling organization?

Eric Schwartzman: So it’s really targeted to anyone who cares about reaching business customers. And the reason that we wrote it, Paul and I found that, you know, when we’re out there speaking, when we’re out there leading workshops, a common question we get, somebody raises their hand and says, “Hey, I get Facebook and 600 million people. I understand it’s important. But I sell air conditioning parts. How does this apply to me?” Or, you know, “I sell wind turbine bearings,” or whatever, right. “How does this apply to me?” And we actually looked on Amazon, we looked around and we said there wasn’t a single book specifically about how B2B’s can use social media to communicate with a select audience of specialized customers, buyers, specialized products and services. And so we contacted a publishers, in this case Wiley, and they publish a lot of books about social media, but there wasn’t a single title just about B2B. We both have a good amount of experience helping B2B’s, so that’s why we decided to write it.

Susan Bratton: Thank you. Tell me about your particular – if someone wanted to hire you why would they hire you, and what kind of business relationships are you looking for right now?

Eric Schwartzman: Well typically the type of customer that hires me is the type of customer that wants senior level advice from someone who isn’t going to provide the actual service. And that could be tough to come by because if you go with an agency they can sometimes recommend things that they do. And so you wonder, “Hey, are they just saying I should do this ‘cause they have a division that does this or is this really the way I should go?” So what I do is I augment existing teams on the agency side and the client’s side as a subject matter expert. I work on strategy. I do a lot of policy work, and I do a lot of training. And I would say my sweet spot is B2B and enterprise.

Susan Bratton: Perfect! Thanks for that. Very well said. Last question, you were going to talk about marketing with data and give me a couple of case studies of organizations like, well people that are using social automation. I want to come back to the kind of social automation content marketing conversation just to close off our talk today. You mentioned Lady Gaga, Amazon and Hoovers. Could you pick maybe one or two of those, ‘cause we have limited time, or even just talk about them collectively and what they’re doing in a way that shows us directionally what you think is the right thing to do?

Eric Schwartzman: Well I think the Amazon example is fascinating, so lets use that one. When you go to Amazon now you can go to My Amazon and you can synch up your Amazon with your Facebook. When you do that you’ll get a request for permission screen that will ask for access to your extended information. If you approve that request, what you get is a calendar with all your friends’ birthdays and recommendations of things to buy them on their birthday based on their profile information. So books by authors that they’ve acknowledged that they are their favorites, you know, albums by artists that they have cited as their favorite artists. So it’s pretty straightforward, right. It’s not too difficult to understand.

But now Amazon is really taking that information, automating it and making it useful. On the B2B side, there’s a deal now between Hoovers, which is the preeminent B2B prospecting database of contacts, and LinkdIn. And first Hoovers launched a iPhone app called Near Here, which allows you to look at companies in proximity, not just by, you know, revenue or category, but you know, also who’s closest to you. I mean god only knows on the B2B side sales reps go to markets, and they may be, you know, passing right by another stop they could’ve made, but they just didn’t have that information. So the idea of having the proximity information is valuable, but now they’re integrating LinkdIn. So, you know, once you know who’s in your proximity you can network through your existing contacts to get the meeting rather than have to cold call. So here we see, you know, two ways that, you know, automation, you know, makes itself useful in the field of marketing.

Susan Bratton: Nice! I love those examples, and I wasn’t aware of them. So thank you. You’ve really divulged a lot of new little things that I want to go check out and I really appreciate that. You’re very fresh Eric.

Eric Schwartzman: Well thank you very much. I mean coming from you that’s huge. I’m a regular listener. I get so much out of this show. You know, you’re keeping me in the gym, so thank you.

Susan Bratton: Oh god, I wish I was keeping myself in the gym. Well Eric, I’m going to give away a copy of your book to my DishyMix fans. If you go to Facebook and search on DishyMix you’ll find my fan page, and I’ll give one lucky winner a copy of Social Marketing To The Business Customer: Listen To Your B2B Market, Generate Major Account Leads and Build Client Relationships. And…

Eric Schwartzman: And I’m going to sweeten the deal. I’m going to sweeten the deal, okay.

Susan Bratton: Ooh, sweeten it. All right, go ahead.

Eric Schwartzman: The winner also gets a one-hour conference call with me.

Susan Bratton: Oh that’s super sweet. Thank you so much. Well that will be an action packed conference call. I have a feeling people are going to be fighting me over that, so I – well the best way to do it is to post on the DishyMix page, you know, that you would like the book get the book, if you want the one hour consulting call…

Eric Schwartzman: One-hour brain picking session.

Susan Bratton: There you go. You can have one or both. Ask for what you need. Maybe we’ll split them up. Maybe we’ll give them both to one person. We’ll figure it out. Just got to DishyMix on Facebook and post your desire and Eric and I will pick a lucky winner.

Eric Schwartzman: Awesome!

Susan Bratton: Eric, thank you so much for everything. What website do you want people to come to if they want to learn more about you?

Eric Schwartzman: So if you go to you can get a link to my blog, link to my podcast or link to the professional services that I provide.

Susan Bratton: Excellent! And that’s s-c-h-w-a-r-t-z-m-a-n. It has all the letters in it and now extras.

Eric Schwartzman: It’s funny, if you’re from the Midwest you typically pronounce my name Swartzman, and if you’re from the Coast then you say Schwartzman.

Susan Bratton: What do you say?

Eric Schwartzman: I say Schwartzman.

Susan Bratton: Schwartzman.

Eric Schwartzman: It’s like, you know, you get outside of the cities, you know, and people say, “Oh, let me have some of that schwag.”

Susan Bratton: Yeah.

Eric Schwartzman: It’s actually not schwag, it’s swag.

Susan Bratton: Swag. Swag.

Eric Schwartzman: You know, people, stuff we all get. You know, people get confused between and swa and scha, and I think, you know, it’s a tribal thing.

Susan Bratton: There you go. Well I like swag and schwag and Schwartzman. I like you Eric. Thank you for coming on DishyMix. It’s been super great to have you. You’re a brilliant and delightful man, and you’ve given so much to us in this short amount of time. Thank you.

Eric Schwartzman: Thanks for having me.

Susan Bratton: My pleasure. All right, I’m your host, Susan Bratton. I hope you’ve enjoyed that. Go post your desire on the DishyMix fan page and we’ll get you some good stuff like an hour of consulting with Schwartzman. That might be the most amazing thing I’ve ever given away. All right, I’ll talk to you soon. Thanks for giving us your time today, and I hope we’ll connect with you again next week. Take care.