Spiritual Human Evolution (SHE) – (Part Two) with Bernie Prior
Expanded Lovemaking
Dr. Patti Taylor

Episode 112 - Spiritual Human Evolution (SHE) – (Part Two) with Bernie Prior

Hear Dr. Patti talk to Bernie Prior, tantric master, here on tour from New Zealand, returning to discuss fulfillment, sexuality, and the evolution of mankind (and womankind). Yes… they’re all connected. Why do we find that we are having more urges to grow – even if that means confronting our shadows? Can pain be a good thing? If so, how? What is the impact on our relating as we dive into our own evolution personally? How does this impact our sex lives? Why is this such a juicy boost to our love lives? Why does the planet evolve when we ourselves choose to grow? This and so much more in this profound, though-provoking and moving show.



Dr. Patti Taylor: Welcome to the Expanded Lovemaking show. I’m your host, Dr. Patti Taylor of expandedlovemaking.com, and I teach you how to make exquisite love. This is part two of a two part show. Today on the show we’re talking about spiritual human evolution, which has the lovely acronym of SHE. You know people today are on spiritual journeys all the time. Well it seems fulfillment is a major quest; well we’re happy for one minute, but the happiness so often seems to disappear. The people who are most fulfilled seem to often find their fulfillment links to a different source. Well what is this source? Lets find out. Giving us a new perspective is our guest for today returning for part two. We’re so lucky to have Bernie Prior back here on tour from

New Zealand

. So welcome Bernie.


Bernie Prior: Hi Patti. Here we are again.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Lucky everybody listening to this show. So we are back for part two of this show, so I won’t go into all the details, but Bernie is a true tantric master who talks eloquently and poetically about consciousness, truth, love and freedom, and he travels the world sharing from his heart and inspiring people everywhere with his message. So lets just jump right in. We have been talking about men and women and what it means to embody the intelligence inside a man and a woman, and I think we can just maybe recap very, very briefly on that and then we’ll just kind of jump up from there. So how about just quickly recapping for those who are just joining the show what it means to be a man and a woman.


Bernie Prior: Recapping, I would actually say what we’re speaking about here is the potential of light and energy and pure consciousness, both as the masculine and as the feminine, to meet. That’s what we’re really talking about, and we’re talking about how our attraction in men and women is really designed to evolve the masculine and feminine in the way that we meet each other, the way that we live our life, the way that we meet in a deeper place in our lovemaking and the way that we create. So this is really what we’re speaking of and how endlessly deep this can go.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, so I think this is a great jumping off place because it seems like so many people get very snarled in the trauma and the drama and the projections, and they wind up having relationships as a major source of pain.


Bernie Prior: Yeah, that’s because people are not wise enough to truly look into what is the nature of attraction, what’s it really for. Is it just to get what you want? Is it just to keep things as they are? Or is it to bring about a radical change in your sexuality, a radical change in how you view yourself as men and women, a radical change in how you see life and what we create in our societies and in our cultures. To me that’s really what it’s about, it’s about the growth of a human being as a cosmic being, as a universal being of light, love that can be conducted and given and shared with each other as men and women.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Well I think you probably get a lot of answers about what is the nature of that attraction. I mean I think a lot of people would say it’s to bond and have children, and so those people are living at one level. And wouldn’t it be fair to say that a lot of people are very happy just doing that, but that you can use attraction to propel yourself into deep places of spiritual growth if you want? Or would you say it’s necessarily that we have attraction as the most evolutionary factor of growth? I mean is it an ‘is’ or is it an option?


Bernie Prior: Okay, well to be honest with you in my life I don’t see an option; I see if we have options – whether it’s to stay safe and secular in our invitation to love as men and women, you know, just a small family group thing and just getting on with your own life – I think that’s not an option as we’re seeing on the planet at the moment. We’re, you know, seeing so many different things with global warming, with terrorism, you name it, with starvation around the planet; to me we’re one amazing spiritual entity called humanity, that we all do affect each other, ‘cause really we’re one, we are one. That’s what we really are, and until we begin to see that we’re one then we’ll choose options from a limited sense of self through identifying ourselves as body minds. Whereas the new sexuality is to see that the same attraction that caused you, you and I, the listener, to embody that same attraction, is the same attraction that’s appearing in our connectivity as men and women to be together, to make love together, to create together. So I equate the same attraction of you as a being incarnating in this body is exactly the same purpose and reason to have a relationship, to grow. To grow so incredibly because our potential as men and women, as beings, is vast beyond any, any description.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, so that’s a beautiful answer. So I have a question. Would you say then that it’s fair game to conclude that if you feel that you’re stagnant in a relationship or feeling pain, that that’s a cause to, what? What would you do? Is there something wrong there? Is there an opportunity there? What’s the prescription?


Bernie Prior: Okay, well of course there’s an opportunity there, and I wouldn’t give anybody a prescription…


Dr. Patti Taylor: Well I don’t mean that…


Bernie Prior: I would give them knowledge. I would give them knowledge of an opportunity because to me any pain – whether it’s physical, mental, psychological on any level – is a door to another place, a door to a more finer subtle place of peace, love and radiant harmony; it’s there, it’s just another door. But we always see pain - mental, emotional, psychological – as a problem because we don’t want pain. Because somewhere actually within that knowledge that we don’t want pain is that actually our real state of being is beyond pain. But what’s painful is we as beings have human bodies, unless we conduct a finer energy of light and love through our body and in our relationships, then the pain is the more solid energies of our past egoity that’s causing us pain and distraction, and therefore we’re trying to get rid of the pain, but through doing things in life that doesn’t serve our heart, doesn’t serve our soul purpose of even being on this planet or even being in attraction with men and women. So we must refine the consciousness, the energy that comes through our bodies; that’s the whole point, to bring something finer in.


Dr. Patti Taylor: I got it. So just hypothetically, lets say I was really in love with this guy. I didn’t know how he felt about me, but we worked together. And I just was completely crazy about him and I was in some pain about that. I could conceivably continue to work on myself to the point where I dropped all of my egoic stuff and be in complete harmony so that in that sense the pain would be sort of a signal that I had a lot of stuff going on around this person and let go of all that stuff ‘til I got rid of the pain and this person never even needed to know that any of that existed.


Bernie Prior: Yeah, yeah. I hear that, and that’s, that’s funny that you gave an example that was actually given to me last week in a talk in Copenhagen, where this woman was experiencing this love of a man that had no idea that she was loving him. And she said, “Why is it with this guy, every time I see him something opens up in me just as though he’s my lover. He doesn’t even know I exist on that level, and it’s painful for me to even walk past this guy and when he comes in to the café or whatever and everything in me lights up and opens, but he doesn’t even see me”, she said, “What do I do about this?” And then she said, “Do I throw myself in front of him or what happens?” And I said, “Well this happens a great deal for both men and women”, and it’s because at the core of what we are, the pure feminine, the pure masculine – which I say is only one, one feminine principle, one masculine principle behind every man and woman, they are seeking themselves. They are seeking a vehicle attuned to a higher purpose of attraction; pure principles are doing that. So in some way, I’ve heard this many times, I’ve seen it in my own life in the past, where the pure, the pure masculine, as it were, peek-a-booing through this guys façade, you know. It’s not the man himself. He may have some of that in him that he knows of - in other words, it’s being integrated in the way he lives – but it’s the pure masculine is somehow oozing through this man, through this guy, and it’s touching the feminine in this woman. Do you see what I mean? I’ve heard this quite often, but the man has not idea. But at the same time as the scenario you’ve just painted, it’s doing quite a bit of healing on some level for this woman because eventually, if I heard you rightly, she didn’t even need him to know this was happening, healing is taking place. So the light of the feminine and the light of the masculine can heal without the acknowledgment of who it’s coming through. Do you see what I mean? In intimacy.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Well that’s a beautiful story how the pain can often be a bell weather signal for us to evolve.


Bernie Prior: Absolutely. That’s what pain is. Pain is a door to a very much finer place. The pain is simply a display of an old pattern that has been causing us a lot of distraction. So if something that we don’t want to face inside ourselves now, as men and women, we will draw that pattern to us in the men that we’re calling for, in the woman that we’re calling for, if we don’t address it in our relationship with ourselves and our relationship as men and women. So as we practice as men and women a profounder way of life, love and activity, it’s like attuning your masculinity, tuning your feminine; whether you’re men or women, do it both in your yin and yang so both as men and women you’re becoming more sensitive to the feminine and her needs and remaining open as the feminine and as the masculine, and I’m stating this in both of us. As the masculine you’re becoming more aware of the real direction of life that it’s not egoic, it’s not for a me, it’s for the all. For the one and the all, the all and the one. And remaining deeper connective to even breathe or walk or do anything, so you’re attuning your masculine, you’re attuning your feminine; therefore there’s something that’s happening in you that will attract a more purpose for loving and more incredible relationship, that will start to open up the bodies and the consciousness on other domains that you have not experienced as yet.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Right, ‘cause clearly if this can happen with somebody I’ve never met, then certainly this is going to be happening with people that I’m close to.


Bernie Prior: Listen, I don’t mind sharing a little story here with you, okay? I’m putting myself on the line here.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Good.


Bernie Prior: What I’m about to share, what happened with me with a friend of mine who I was not intimate with on any level whatsoever, some years ago this was – I’m just trying to look how many years ago. It must have been at least ten, if not… No, it was about 13 years ago. And this friend that I worked with, a beautiful lady who I worked with and I used to set up groups, women’s groups with and talked to a women’s group – the were Iranian – and talked to them in London about love and truth…. And I was working with this woman for a couple of years, and just on the last session I gave her – I now know it was the last but I didn’t at the time – she was living in Sloan Square in London and I just finished the session and everyone went, and we walked downstairs and, you know, we were giving each other a hug and say “Goodbye” – okay, that’s it, that’s as far as our relationship was; we loved, but we were not intimate, we loved each other as friend. And I was just reaching to give her a big hug, and she just opened to hug me. And all of a sudden I was in a place that’s hard to describe, where there was this light of the feminine – I can say that now – and light of the masculine, but pure consciousness entwining us both in an incredible place that was beyond sexuality but it was also inclusive of it. So we were in this amazing place. Now I didn’t even know she had a body or I had a body, so I’m talking about the profound state of the pure masculine and feminine. And when I became aware of senses of the body, I had my arms absolutely wrapped around her – I had one hand on her butt, on her bottom, I had another hand her pulling her breasts into me from her back – she had both her hands on my bottom pulling me and, and our lips were completely and absolutely together. Now we had no intimacy whatsoever, but we just experienced the most intimate divine connection any two beings could ever possibly experience, and it was beyond the personal. And we just looked at each other and just burst out laughing. And she said to me, “What was that?” And I said, “Well it was love, of course.” And it was, you know. It was no barrier, no personal barrier on any level; it was that place that decided these two were going to get together. Do you see? Without any sexuality per se of the bodies, there was pure intimacy of being a woman, being a man, and we united in that place.


Dr. Patti Taylor: And that’s what everyone is wanting.


Bernie Prior: That’s what everyone wants, union. Real union; everyone’s seeking that.


Dr. Patti Taylor: That’s so beautiful. Well please stay with us. We’re going to take a break. This is Dr. Patti Taylor, and we’ve been talking with Bernie Prior about Spiritual Human Evolution, gorgeously known as SHE. So you can find our more about Bernie at his website, bernieprior.org, and I’m going to spell that, b-e-r-n-i-e-p-r-i-o-r. And he also has some episodes in our archives, episodes number 25, 61 and 62, so if you’re loving what you’re hearing, the good news is you can hear more. So please stay with us.


Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back, and going along with the embodiment theme that we’ve just kind of gone into here, I want to find out how all of this translates into the bedroom. What happens when a couple makes love when they’ve managed to clear away some of the psychological and mental debris and it’s really working for them?


Bernie Prior: Okay, well that’s a way of putting it I suppose…


Dr. Patti Taylor: Well how would you put it if….


Bernie Prior: Well to me there’s a natural process of cleansing healing that’s going on, and of course if a couple are doing this consciously then that’s great because they can really open up to a higher deeper place together. So to me for a couple to be doing that I would say they need a greater love of source, a greater love of what could be called God or love itself, to really do that. So if there’s been a real clearing, cleaning then the man must be also sitting in a deeper authority of what it is to be the masculine principle, you know. It’s nothing that you can speak of, you just know it’s there. It’s just a nothing presence, the presence of nothing. Do you follow what I mean? It’s just this depth that is displayed in his energy, in his aura, in his field, that when a woman begins to engage a man, where he’s at, and she’s cleared enough and opened enough, that this depth that he’s now reached inside himself is displaying himself in her as more light, more openness… Do you remember those, the Buddhist symbols where you got Buddha and you’ve got the Shakti sitting on the Buddha? Now if you have a look at that you’ll see the Buddha is, it’s just sitting there. He’s not doing anything; he’s just completely and absolutely present and deep, okay. But the Shakti, what’s she doing? She’s going everywhere; she’s opening, she’s displaying, she’s in total enjoyment, she’s radiant. This is what I’m looking at. Men thing that to give woman, they need to get something back, but actually just to give to a woman, they’re getting back their own universal power to be themselves. A totally new authority happens where they begin to enjoy the woman’s heart, her loving, her needs being met, so more than their needs being met.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Well this is absolutely beautiful; it’s like a waterfall of gorgeous words that are poetry, exquisite, exquisite. Just to really include our listeners, you said something really gorgeous, which is that people have to love God more than themselves, and I actually wanted to just expand on that for a moment, ‘cause I think that’s so profound and so important to this discussion. So I was wondering if you could just restate that in other words and maybe use other words for God, just so, you know, we can include other people that might have other terminology.


Bernie Prior: Yeah, to me God is every one of us in that this is a unified field of existence, so there’s only one total field of life and consciousness of a profound depth, an openness that’s really happening. It looks like everyone is separate, but really we’re all the one. Everyone is the one that is in forms of masculine and feminine participation, all at different stages of development in terms of our intelligence, in terms of the light of our consciousness, in terms of our knowing ourselves deeply; all that is the evolutionary functionality of what consciousness is displaying itself, is it’s all evolutionary, everyone’s at different level of understanding who they are and in this matrix of universal love. So God to me is a unified field of oneness and not one of us is separate, it just appears that we’re separate. We’re just at different levels of understanding ourselves and meeting ourselves.


Dr. Patti Taylor: And so the commitment is beyond our ego then….


Bernie Prior: That’s right. Yeah, the commitment is that sure, we’ve had to have an ego because without the ego in the first place, without the ego there will be no instrument to create individualization. So if we are a vastness beyond description, then your little old body here – which is beautiful – is the shape of wholeness, but it’s shaped into a particular size, so you’ve individuated consciousness as a someone. So without being a someone initially – which for most of us is over thousands of years, by the way – without individuizing consciousness as a someone, there would be no mirror, no mirror of the consciousness to know itself, it needs a mirror; hence the masculine and feminine mirrors of oneness. So you individuated with a separate sense of self, but when you arrived in this body you were already complete. Have a look at babies; they’re just gurgling with completeness. But as yet they’re yet to integrate their vehicles of perception and activity; body, mind and emotion. That’s not integrated as a being as yet. That’s the big deal, you know, to get that innocence moving through the bodies that’s for, lets just say in terms of a times sphere, that have been developing for thousands and thousands of years, right. So consciousness constantly comes back into the body – consciousness, not a someone – constantly comes back into a body – into the body of the masculine, into the body of the feminine – and literally lifts it to the next stage of development with more light, more love, more wholeness and more understanding.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Well I love that you portray it like that. Can you ever really get rid of your ego though or is it you just sort of get rid of more of it or do you just like get rid of it when you’re making love and in transcended moments?


Bernie Prior: Well isn’t that beautiful because it shows that it can go; that in that transcended moment there is no ego, right. So you transcended the ego, so that means yeah… ego is finite, it’s not infinite, it’s finite. It’s just here it’s a vehicle that can be transcended. But the instruments that make all this possible, they have to be cleansed and that’s what real union is about; it’s about transforming the minds and bodies and the whole – I call them vehicles – the vehicles of the masculine and feminine, to a higher and higher, deeper and deeper frequencies of pure love and pure knowing what is true.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah. And I think it can happen in a moment through exquisite lovemaking, and I think it can also take a lot of work, can’t it?


Bernie Prior: Yeah. And what I speak about around the world that real lovemaking, right lovemaking where men and women have made a bond to be together for truth, love that is profoundly real, in the discovery of what is profoundly real moment to moment. Of course stuff’s going to come up, but to address that from another level entirely would be what I call the love of God, or the love of a unified field, that transcends all.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Right, so it’s both transcendent and it’s a lot of…


Bernie Prior: Right, now. It’s definitely here and now and can, I say we can definitely make a shift of consciousness, also shift the way that we deceive each other with our mind and with, in a sense to feeling self, that the higher light can come in and our mind can be lifted to a new place and our whole body can be lifted to a new place, a real genuine shift of conscious awareness as men and women.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Well that’s totally encouraging. So we’re talking with Bernie Prior. This is Dr. Patti Taylor and we will be right back.


Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back and we’ve been talking with Bernie Prior about Spiritual Human Evolution. You can find out more about Bernie Prior at his website, bernieprior.org. I’ll spell that, b-e-r-n-i-e-p-r-i-o-r, dot org. I want to just say it’s a wonderful website; he’s got DVD’s, CD’s, trips to wonderful locations, articles, all kinds of wonderful things, so I will encourage our listeners to check the website out, and I did, and it’s a really good place to spend some time. So anyway, I want to continue on and find out more, ‘cause the title of the show is really about Spiritual Human Evolution, so, and we have been talking about fulfillment and clearly it’s fulfilling to go into our God nature, and I think that is why we might have a fulfillment that lasts longer than a few minutes. But how does this contribute to more than just our own personal coupledom fulfillment?


Bernie Prior: That’s a beautiful question Patti because the truth is, in that unified field, we’re already one. So any woman a man’s every going to meet is the one woman. Behind that individualization of that particular woman is the profundity, the reality of a light he’s dying - or will have to die, in terms of his ego – he’s dying to make not only a connection with, but to integrate that in his own being, the integration of the yin/yang principle, it’s the one sense of self. So behind every woman is that one woman, behind that one principle; behind every man is the masculine one principle. So that is profoundly connected to the earth’s psyche. So what’s actually happening here is the earth’s psyche is this spiritual human evolutionary vehicle of profound consciousness, universal consciousness; the earth’s psyche is an instrument of reality – or lets just say the universe knowing itself in form individually. So any woman and any man can awaken to their own God essence and be in the loving of that opposite essence, which is amazing really. So the universe is loving itself as gender, as both the masculine and feminine principles. Because when real love really happens between a man and a woman then there’s no other. Even the principles themselves disappear and there’s only love that remains and there’s only oneness that remains. So in the way that you, lets say for instance, move in your relationship as a woman with a man, and I as a man with a woman, we do have an effect on how the earth and the psyche of the masculine and feminine human psyche grows, how it knows what it responds to, whether it contracts, whether it expands, whether it moves to another level of a higher octave of potentiality as a spiritual planet, that’s our connection. You know, we’re all connected with this. How we make love, how we meet each other, it ends up in our relationship globally. Also universally, it affects how the planet will move.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Well that was my next question: would it be fair to say that the more of us that came together, men and women, as true lovers honoring the God presence rather than the egoic presence, the more enlightened and evolved the planet would be?


Bernie Prior: Oh completely. Because to me the whole point in moving as a man to a woman, the highest gift a man can offer a woman is everything that he is as the depth of consciousness, and to offer his heart eyes to truly see who she is, because when he really sees truly who she is then all her shadows can fall away, and then she begins to come through it. And so already you have a frequency of pure feminine starting to be embodied by this woman, and she begins to know herself on an entirely new level of light, love as herself. So you’ve got a new woman that’s actually arrived.


Dr. Patti Taylor: That’s really beautiful. I’m mostly thinking, you know, just in terms the sort of outer world, what if more women kind of were to embody the kind of woman you were talking about, we would have a whole different class of women influencing the world; they wouldn’t be women that were acting in such… I think our women kind of act in a very – I don’t want to generalize – but I think a lot of women have been very masculinized and that probably impacts our planet somehow.


Bernie Prior: Of course, because what we’re really looking at is a balanced harmonic of a masculine and feminine in every being; so to balance the harmonics of the masculine and feminine in the man, in the woman. You know, really because your show is about lovemaking, really that’s what lovemaking’s about; it’s about the balanced harmonics of the masculine frequency and the feminine frequency meeting each other in the deepest possible ways displayed by my little story earlier, that it is possible for everything that a man is to come and embrace the woman to another place. And that then what she is, will give what she is from that newfound light, she will give that back, as it were, to the masculine, to the God behind the masculine, and that’s what grows him is a complete and utter exchange of the masculine and feminine energy that grows us as human beings.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Mmm…


Bernie Prior: And that will be displayed in what we create in the world, you know, and how we influence our societies, our culture to be much more genuine, much more loving, much more real, much more compassionate.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Yes, because I’m almost thinking that when you repress that feminine energy I kind of shows up anyway, but in a distorted way; when women aren’t seen they get kind of angry and a little crazy and, you know…. No one I know, of course, I’m just being general. But, you know, it gets a little, you know, I don’t think Shakti likes to be distorted and unseen and ignored.


Bernie Prior: You don’t mess with Shakti. She kills you.


Dr. Patti Taylor: And what would the world be like if she were truly honored and plumbed to her depths and seen and treated in a completely different way.


Bernie Prior: Well you’d have a very powerful creative energy flowing in every man and woman that didn’t, that wasn’t secular, that held everybody in its glow, held everybody in the way it grew, gave everybody an abundance of a separate sense of self; in other words, in individuality of pure being, but it would not become secular. It would be that everyone will be giving a profound gift in this, what we would discover, this world of oneness.


Dr. Patti Taylor: And what would happen similarly if men sort of when past their egos to be in that place of presence, they might actually like that, where they didn’t have to like be in that look good, like competitive where the stress is killing me kind of place where they could actually possibly be way more powerful…


Bernie Prior: Yeah, but the moment you said ‘men’s egos’, I actually saw men’s and women’s ego because we are, both as men and women, we have both created the world that we’re now experiencing that is so separate. You know, it depends where you’ll look at things, but to me this world is so separate because there is so much wasted energy. In many different ways, definitely financially, that could go to serve all beings and not just a particular few, yeah? So if we look at this, how we’ve been growing as men and women, both men and women are basically scared of each other. They’re scared of embracing each other in a totally opened unknown way; in other words, to step into the unknown, to give everything into the unknown, and to pull up inside themselves a real vision for the future that includes all beings, that includes everything that masculine and feminine truly is. So nothing to hold onto personally, do you see what I mean? That actually grows to personal, but from a base of wholism.


Dr. Patti Taylor: So do you think this is possible? Do you think this is something that’s actually going to happen? Do you see any trend towards this direction?


Bernie Prior: If you’ll have a look, in my work – and I know there are other teachers around that speak about true sacred sexuality and how we embrace life together – whether it’s a trend that’s big, it’s definitely coming up because more and more people are beginning to be touched by the lack of a profounder love, they, we’re all beginning to experience, hey this world that we’ve built that’s totally fixed in materialism is not it, it’s not touching us deep enough, it doesn’t free our hearts and mind to truly be love and give love. Now real relationship is when we’re truly ready to be love and give love, you know. And that’s a big thing to do where we currently are at the moment; to give ourselves away for love alone and face those parts of our self that we also have to learn to love and bring them up to this profounder place, so we’re not rejecting them. In the same way, we’re not rejecting how society is outside, which is saying it’s time for a big change. It’s time that this is no longer serving this new power of love, light and energy that’s coming into all of us. We now have to lift this structure up into a new place, so we’re dealing with both the inner and outer realities as one harmonic.


Dr. Patti Taylor: That’s so beautiful. Well we only have a few minutes left; I was wondering if you could just share a little bit about what you do, specifically your teaching to help further along the Spiritual Human Evolution or SHE.


Bernie Prior: I keep giving the message – and I’ll do this probably ‘til my body drops dead – that we are all already that; all of us are already the source that created the entire universe. We’re already that original authentic self, both as men and women. And I keep pointing towards that saying that nobody is a victim in their love life, nobody is a victim in this world; we are all creators. But we keep giving our power away outside of our self instead of acknowledging who we already are inside and allowing the real unfolding of our true nature to be embraced in this ordinary existence and let it begin to radiate delight of our real love. So we’re evolving; as human beings we will constantly evolve. But that that we are is not evolving, it already is what it is. So when you marry those two it makes life easier to be able to go through what you need to go through as men and women to find, lets say, a deeper truth and a greater love because now you’re understanding yourself so much more.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Well thank you so much. You do do intensive workshops around the world.


Bernie Prior: Yeah. I mean, next year, what will be coming up in January will be a ten day cruise up the Nile, I’m going, taking a whole group through Egypt down the Nile and we’re going to go through all the masculine and feminine temples.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Sounds like fun.


Bernie Prior: Then there’s a twelve day retreat on the form practice, which is also the union of the masculine and feminine energies in our formed practice, a reality practice that I teach people. But the big thing is going to be in October of next year, a 21 day retreat on the Fijian island about a new woman, a new man, a new humanity. So there’s going to be 21 days on the Fijian islands.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Bernie, you travel tirelessly around. I know you’ve dedicated your life to spreading the word, and I really admire your passion and dedication to really making this a better planet. I just know how much you give to spreading this incredible beautiful message. Well we are going to bring our show to a close, and I’d like to invite you to leave our listeners with one inspiring thought.


Bernie Prior: Okay, well be everything that you know you are. Respond to what you really know you are.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay. Well thank you so much. That will bring our show to a close. Once again, you can find out more about Bernie Prior at his website, which is bernieprior.org, b-e-r-n-i-e-p-r-i-o-r, dot org. And as I said, we do have some other episodes of his, so check them out; 25, 61 and 62. Thank you so much for listening. Please send me email, [email protected]. For text and transcripts of this show and other shows on the Personal Life Media network, please visit our website at personallifemedia.com. And you can visit me, Patti, at my website, expandedlovemaking.com, to find out more about my events and sign up for my mailing list. Or you can just visit me at Expanded Orgasm on Face Book. Thank you so much. That’s all for now. This is Dr. Patti, and I remain yours in ever expanding lovemaking. I’ll see you next week.