Eyebrow and Eyelash Loss and Transplant Options with Dr. Sara Wasserbauer
Beauty Now
Teri Hausman

Episode 16 - Eyebrow and Eyelash Loss and Transplant Options with Dr. Sara Wasserbauer

For thick, lush eyelashes, we've traditionally turned to mascara, false lashes, even extensions. But what if those options won't help? What if your eyelashes are thinning, or completely gone? Absent or underdeveloped eyelashes can now be restored using advanced hair transplantation techniques. Eyelash transplants were originally developed for patients who suffered burns or congenital malformations of the eye. But word is spreading and an increasing number of patients are requesting the procedure for cosmetic purposes. Overplucking, extensions, false eyelashes, nervous disorders, accidents and other issues can lead to serious loss of eyebrows and eyelashes. Hear from Dr. Wasserbauer, one of a small handful of doctors in the U.S. who specialize in eyelash transplant surgery. "It's a delicate, microsurgical procedure, done under local anesthesia and light sedation," she explains. "We remove 50-100 hair follicles from the the back of the patient's scalp and then place them one by one into the patient's eyelids." Once safely transplanted and established, the transplanted lashes continue to grow and eventually require some maintenance. Just like head hair, they need to be trimmed regularly and sometimes curled.



Eyebrow and Eyelash Loss and Transplant Options with Dr. Sara Wasserbauer

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Teri Hausman: I’m Teri Hausman, your weekly host for Beauty Now, where you can listen to experts in plastic surgery, hormones, hair and lash extensions, and many more things. Today we have Dr. Sara Wasserbauer who does, can you believe this, eyelash transplants!


Teri Hausman: Welcome Sara, and thank you for being our guest today.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Thank you so much Teri. It’s nice to talk to you.

Teri Hausman: So, let me ask you, what causes eyebrow and eyelash loss in men and women?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Eyebrow and eyelash loss are actually a little different. But, in the eyebrows, usually thyroid, just getting older, over plucking is a huge problem. And believe it or not, that’s also kind of the problem with eyelash loss. Some people get a disease called trichotillomania, where they’ll pull out their own eyelashes, kind of a nervous disorder. Sometimes that will happen. Sometime people lose their eyelashes and brows from an accident or a burn.

These days, you know what I see a lot of, besides the over plucking for the eyebrows? I see a lot of people who have gone and gotten eyelash extensions, or been wearing other kinds of false eyelashes for a long time, for years. After you do that, you kind of damage the hair that’s originally yours. So I see a lot of people coming in after getting addicted to that look of framing their eye and making it look really like it pops, and no longer wanting to pay for the eyelash extensions, but now that they’ve damaged the underlying hair, they just can’t live without something there.

Teri Hausman: Well, so, let’s just say that you’re lashes are sparse, , just not – not gone, but just sparse. Can you make them fuller?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Oh yeah! No, I get a lot of patients like that, who are like, “ what, I used to have thicker lashes, and they just haven’t grown back since I have been using …” you name it. And absolutely, those are the patients that I see most often these days. I used to see a lot more of the, , trauma type of patients, but words getting out.

Teri Hausman: Because it’s so fun. [laughter] So is this something …

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah.


Teri Hausman: … That you need to go to sleep for?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: No, this is something that people usually stay awake for.
It’s something that doctors call “conscious sedation”. So you’re awake, but you’re a little relaxed and you feel pretty good. It’s – usually I give people a movie list and they sit and they watch, or rather, listen to a movie ‘cause sometimes they have to have their eyes closed for me. But it’s not something that you have to go under major anesthesia for. It’s a daylong proce – I mean it takes about four hours to do the procedure.

Teri Hausman: Is it necessary, though, to be …

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: No. To be put out or put asleep?

Teri Hausman: Right, put to sleep.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: I don’t people entirely to sleep, but it’s better if you’re relaxed. Some people get a really nervous – ‘cause they’re thinking that the surgery’s going to be something horrible. And, to be honest with you, the extent of my sedation is usually just a Valium. That’s all people usually need.

Teri Hausman: Really?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yep, that’s about it.

Teri Hausman: What if they want more than Valium? [laughing]

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: [laughing] If they wanted more than Valium, we have other things we can give them.

Teri Hausman: What if they really want to go to sleep? Do people go to sleep?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: People do, they just kind of take a nap. You know, that often happens. They just feel so relaxed and I have to – I’ll be honest my chair has memory foam.

Teri Hausman: How nice!

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: And they just get into that and they just fall right asleep. And then they wake up with a lot more eyelashes than they went to sleep with.

Teri Hausman: So where does the donor hair come from?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Typically, donor hair for any transplant procedure comes from the back of the head, because you have extra, kind of redundant tissue back there. The back of your head’s a joint, , so that you can lean your head forward and back, so you have hair there that can be taken. It’s not gonna be missed. But for eyelash procedures, it depends on the person. If they have very fine, delicate hair, you can take it from the very back. If not, I usually try and go right around the ear, where you kind of have little tendrils, or kind of wispy little hair grows. You have to be careful when you’re doing eyelash transplant on, , your lady patients, because, if you were to wear your hair up, I don’t want anybody to ever have a scar there. But, for the most part, there’s so little hair taken out that that’s not even a concern. You just want to make sure that you match the caliber, the thickness of those hairs in your lashes with the thickness of the hair that you’re putting in from elsewhere on the head.

Teri Hausman: So, how long is the scar?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Oh, minimal, like a millimeter or two.

Teri Hausman: So it’s not very long.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: If there is a scar at all. Most of my patients don’t even scar.

Teri Hausman: You can barely see it.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah.

Teri Hausman: So how do you do it?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: So, you take some of the hair from, say behind or above your ear, and then under a microscope – and all of this is done under microscopes. I wear a set of magnifying glasses on my head. Anyone else helping in the operating room helps me by wearing magnifying glasses as well. Everything’s done under a microscope.

Once you take those individual hairs out, it’s kind of in a little block, you select out the individual hairs that would match the hair on your eyelashes the best. And you leave the hair long. It’s kind of tough to do on somebody who has really short hair. I usually tell people, “Don’t cut your hair for a couple of weeks.” Because what you do is, you take a curved needle and you thread the hair through the back, kind of like you about to sew something. And when the eyelid is all anesthetized, it’s kind of swollen so that you never have a needle anywhere near your eye. And you basically sew it into the lid, using the end of your hair follicle. If you ever pulled out a hair, you have that little bump at the end. That little thing kind of acts as a knot, and you pull the hair through, and that’s about it.

Teri Hausman: So amazing, that you can do that.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: It does, it’s kind of like – I used to do embroidery when I was a little girl. My grandmother taught me. And who knew that that would come in handy later in life?

Teri Hausman: Is the result natural?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: The result is natural when you do it properly. There’s instances, I think of some people not picking the right caliber of hair. Let’s say you have really thick hair, and very fine lashes, well then that won’t look quite as nice. But, for all of the patients that I do, it comes out – , the hair looks very natural.

Teri Hausman: What if you have really fine hair, though, in the back?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: If you have really fine hair in the back, that’s even better.

Teri Hausman: Really?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: You would want nice fine hairs. If you had very thick lashes you probably wouldn’t be coming to see me in the first place. A very fine hair is what, , a good eyelash needs. Something subtle, you don’t want it to look odd. And you want it to really blend in with the rest of the lashes, and just kind of add bulk and definition to that, that area right around your eye.

Teri Hausman: So obviously, you have to get it dyed, right? I mean if women dye their hair.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: If – I would – you’d be surprised. It depends. I always kind of have that quandary when a blond lady with very thin hair comes to see me, ‘cause I can put in more blonde lashes, but unless they’re going to have them tinted or something, you just – you don’t see more blonde lashes.[laughing] There’s just more there. So typically, those sort of patients would go and try and get them tinted anyway. And then come to me and have the additional lashes put in, and then you can see them. Or if they are going to wear mascara on a daily basis, which is what most blonde patients do anyway.

Teri Hausman: Now how long does it take before people can see results?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: It takes about two to three weeks, while you have the lashes immediately post-op, and then they start to grow. The hairs will fall out at about two to three weeks, then they start growing in again at about three to six months.

Teri Hausman: So the hair falls out? So, I mean you put it – you transplant it, and then in three weeks it starts to fall out, you mean?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah, it’ll shed. The hair that I put there will shed in preparation for growing a new hair.

Teri Hausman: And then, are you – how long are you left with no lashes completely?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: You wouldn’t be left with no lashes. Your native lashes would be there. But the hairs that I transplanted would shed, just for temporary amount of time, and then the new lashes would start to come in and grow long. And that – those are what most people are asking about. That’s at about three to six months.

Teri Hausman: And are those new hairs permanent?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: They are!

Teri Hausman: Great!

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: They are yours for life. That’s why I always emphasize that you have to be able to trim them, [laughing] and that you have to be committed to perming them too, because they don’t grow like your normal lash hair would. They grow really long, like hair on your head would. So you have to make sure that you trim them, plus lash hair actually has a little curl to it, away from the eye. So you have to put that curl in to any new hairs that are there, hence the need for perming them, which is about every six weeks.

Teri Hausman: So you can’t really just use your eyelash curler?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: No, it just doesn’t work as well. I’ve had some people be able to do that kind of in the interim, between perms, but you really have to be able to commit to going ahead and getting them permed.

Teri Hausman: How do you find somebody that perms your lashes?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Well, it’s surprising how many people actually do have lash perming and tinting available. It’s been around since, like the 1930s. Lots of the old starlets used to get their lashes permed and tinted before big events. And I didn’t believe it, when I first learned this technique, I actually sought somebody out and had them do it to me, ‘cause I was like, “You can perm your lashes? I didn’t even realize that!”

Teri Hausman: How do you perm them?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: You would sit in somebody’s chair for like, about 10 or 20 minutes, and they put a little tiny perming rod right on the edge of your lash. And they fold the lashes over, and paint on the perming solution. Then paint on the neutralizer, and then let you go. And they’re curly for about six weeks.

Teri Hausman: So, do you see woman that come in and they have pretty nice lashes, and then they want more? [inaudible]

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah, and those are the patients who I usually say, “Try something else.” Like I had a woman come in who was just looking at her 15 or 16-year-old daughter, wishing that she had, those kind of thick lashes. And that just not a reasonable – give me my daughter’s thick lashes; that just not a reasonable request.

Teri Hausman: It’s not? [laughing] What’s wrong with that? I don’t know.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Those are the patients that I try to turn onto other things, like several cosmeticeuticals that will help grow lashes. Revitalash is one of them. You paint it on top of the eye and it will thicken up your lashes.

Teri Hausman: Revitalash is good, and also I like the Jan Marini as well.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: I like the Jan Marini as well, yep.

Teri Hausman: I like both of those, and I think that’s good kind of just to do every day anyways.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah, and really maximize the lashes that you can get via that without having to go through the risks of surgery.

Teri Hausman: So, for the main part of your clients, are they people that have had cancer or people that just …

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Mostly, up until this – up until a couple of months ago, it was mostly people who had car accidents, old cancer patients who could – had been through their chemotherapy treatments and not gotten anything back, and burn patients. Those were kind of the majority. Now everything has kind of turned on its head. I mostly have cosmetic lash augmentation patients. Patients who’ve been wearing false eyelashes or been getting extensions for a really long period of time and would really like them back now that they’ve lost some of their original lashes.

Teri Hausman: ‘Cause you can see those obvious gaps.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah, you can see holes. They’re kind of patchy.

Teri Hausman: Right. Right.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: And they’ll always bring in old pictures and show me.

Teri Hausman: Well this is so interesting. We need to take a break. I wanna come back and ask you more questions. We’re talking to Dr. Sara Wasserbauer about eyelash transplants, but we’re gonna thank our sponsors really quick.


Teri Hausman: Hi! We’re back talking with Dr. Sara Wasserbauer, and we’re talking about eyelash transplants. I can’t believe it. Thank you, Sara, for talking with us today. We just left off talking about – what were we talking about? We were talking about people that were candidates for this.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Right. So most of the patients that I see are – if they haven’t lost their lashes from something like a burn or being in a car accident. These days I usually see patients who have been wearing eyelash extensions for a long period of time, and who have lost a great number of their native lashes. They’re just not growing in as full as they used to. And those patients have really enjoyed the benefit of having thick, full lashes with the eyelash extensions for a while, and so they really find that they can’t live without them.

Teri Hausman: I can’t live without them. I love them! That’s why I’m so upset that you turned that lady away just ‘cause she wanted her 16 year-old daughter’s lashes!


Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Well I turned her onto Revitalash first. If that didn’t work for her then we’d talk again, but …

Teri Hausman: And we can only respect that. I like that and I like Jan Marini. I like both those products.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah. No, I’m a big fan of those products, and I don’t own stock in either company. But, as an ethical surgeon, you have to be able to do the least invasive thing first, and then if someone is really motivated …

Teri Hausman: Exactly!

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: …And really wants to care for their lashes, ‘cause it’s not something that you can – it’s not a walk in the park. You actually have to go and get them permed every six weeks. You can actually just forget about your lashes, which is what most people do. But a lot of people who come to see me have already gone through that thought process, and have already been playing with their lashes daily anyway. And so they’re perfectly willing to go ahead and care for the lashes as they do require.

Teri Hausman: And I’m sure, as you said, you get addicted to them, and as soon as you see that you have a hole, you realize you’ve ruined your lashes.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Right!

Teri Hausman: So, what is the cost. I hate to ask cost, but on this show we want to cover everything.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: It – because it is such a rare procedure, I guess it’s expensive, but not compared to getting the five or six hundred dollar extensions every two to three months. It’s about three thousand dollars per lid. If someone only – for – if I have to do a reconstructive thing, then I will do one lid or the other. For most patients who come in for cosmetic, it runs about 65 hundred dollars.

Teri Hausman: About 65 hundred dollars. And there are financing companies or credit cards you can …
Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah, yeah. There’s quite a few of them. There’s better options for financing this than there are for me to buy a car!

Teri Hausman: That’s true! [laughing]

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: And that’s the same for all plastic surgery.

Teri Hausman: It is, it is. And you made a really good point, which, you’re going in for lash extensions, which cost a couple hundred of dollars every couple weeks, it does add up.

Dr Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah. And you think about these being permanent. And that’s the major advantage over using something like Revitalash, or going and getting eyelash extensions, is that these are a permanent cosmetic …

Teri Hausman: Solution, which I’m sure is just a Godsend to so many people.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah. And you don’t realize how much you like your lashes until you lose your lashes. They’re just wonderful to have around.

Teri Hausman: True with anything. Now tell us about the complications. What could happen?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: There aren’t very many complications. It’s a rare surgery, so maybe enough of them haven’t been done. There’s probably been – geez, I’ve done myself under 50 of them, but most docs have done under 10 of them.

Teri Hausman: Because there’s only a handful of surgeons that do this procedure, correct?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah, and most docs don’t like to do this procedure ‘cause it does – I mean I am sitting there putting one hair in at a time for about four hours.

Teri Hausman: Amazing!

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: So, unless you’ve got steel pants, you don’t even want to get into it. But, I mean, this is really up my ally, so I really love to do it. Most of the docs who do it, there’s a couple of docs in the United States, there’s a couple scattered overseas, and there’s a – complications wise, there’s always the risk, I suppose, of scarring. I haven’t seen anybody scar, but so few of them are done. There’s always a risk of infection . Any surgery has the risk of both scarring and infection. Because you’re working around the eye, you do really need to make sure that the person understands that if a lash decides to grow out in a direction you didn’t originally like, that you need to make sure that you curl it and trim it so that it stays out of your eye.

Teri Hausman: Right.
Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Post operatively, some people will get a stye or a chalazion. These are just fancy doctor words for those little infections you kind of get on your eyelid.

Teri Hausman: And do you use topical drops for that?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: You can use drops or you can use just use a hot compress. They go away, usually within a week.

Teri Hausman: And how common is that?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: That’s pretty common. Right after a surgery, most people get a little bit of a stye or like I said, the chalazion is a little higher on the lid. But they go away in about a week usually. I mean people call me and tell me that they have them or not call at all. But I don’t usually see people for those because they knew that they were coming, they know how to take care of them, and it’s not such a big deal.

Teri Hausman: So for burn patients, I mean, how does that work? Because you’re transplanting these little, tiny grafts …

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Right.

Teri Hausman: …And with burn patients, I would think that their – their little – it would be hard to graft them.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer. It is. It’s a little bit more difficult, ‘cause if they have scar tissue around the eye, you really have to have a steady hand to make it through that scar tissue and make sure that the lashes all go in the proper direction. The only saving grace about a burn patient is that usually only a section of the eyelid needs to be transplanted. So you wouldn’t have to go all the way across and deal with it the entire time. But, usually those patients do very well and are so grateful to just have some hair there …

Teri Hausman: Exactly.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: … To keep the stuff out of their eye. I mean, those patients, they can’t wear contacts, they can’t go out in the wind. They – things just blow right into their eyes.

Teri Hausman: It’s amazing what people can do today. What doctors can do to enhance things after accidents and things like that, because before, nobody had anything.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah, and these kind of techniques did not necessarily come from inside the United States. There’s one guy in Brazil, I think, who helped to perfect this technique. There’s other people in Australia. So everyone all over the world has been trying to help patients out. It’s just – it’s hard to get the word out, ‘cause not everybody believes that there’s something can be done.
Teri Hausman: No, I didn’t know, and that’s my expertise here. I saw you actually on, I believe, it was a news channel, and I was like, “I have to find her!”

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: [laughing] Yeah, I think I was at a conference, and I think I turned up, and found out I was one of the few people who did this. But more and more surgeons are getting interested in doing it. It’s just a matter of gaining the experience and for us physicians to teach each other what the technique is so that we can help out more people.

Teri Hausman: And again, I always like to stress on this show, for our listeners to please, please do research on your doctor.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Absolutely!

Teri Hausman: That’s the most important thing, because so many things can go wrong, and you don’t want to skimp on your face.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: No.

Teri Hausman: You don’t want to skimp on your body. You don’t want to skimp on something that could actually harm you. So you need to do your research and ask, “How many procedures have they done?” Find out, get their credits, find out where they went to school, feel really confident. Don’t skimp on doctors!

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Right. And if you don’t get along well with your doctor, this is the patient – the person who’s going to be taking care of you, then interview somebody else.

Teri Hausman: Exactly. If you get that bad vibe when you first go in, then find somebody else.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yep!

Teri Hausman: Don’t just settle.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: And let me tell you, doctors do that, too. [laughing]

Teri Hausman: No that’s true. That’s exactly right. You know you have to do that. Now let’s talk really quick about eyebrows.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Oh yeah! Eyebrows are another that you don’t know you love until you’re missing them.

Teri Hausman: And you see so many woman, as they get older, they lose their eyebrows.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: That is often the case. And even so many woman who are younger who just continue to pluck and don’t realize that sometimes those hairs just don’t come back. There’s an old joke about a fraternity prank where they shave one eyebrow. Well that’s not quite a joke. You always have kind of a one in three chance of that eyebrow …

Teri Hausman: Eyebrow not …

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: …Coming back. So, eyebrows really define your eyes, almost even more than eyelashes, sometimes. And people who’ve lost their eyebrows really have a serious time – they have a complex about having that fish eye look. And it really brings their eye back into focus when you can put some hair back there. And there, the main thing, again, picking hair that really matches the caliber, picking a shade that really helps define their eye, that matches the bone structure of their face, that kind of thing. And making the patient realize they’re gonna have to trim that hair too.

Teri Hausman: So, you also take that from the back of the head.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yep. Or from behind the ear, just depending on where the hair caliber is and what our specific goals are, yep.

Teri Hausman: And then you transplant that. I have to say, I mean, sometimes you see the worst tattooing. Can you transplant over that tattooing?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yes. And often I’ll – if a patient hasn’t – if they just got a tattoo done and they don’t like it, and that’s why their coming to me, I’ll say, “You know, we need to wait a little bit and see what we can do.” But I will often get patients who have been tattooing for years, who are just tired of not having any hair there. They almost don’t care what the brow looks like. They – we look over lots of photos of different brow shapes, but people just want to have hair there. They want to know when they put their hand right above their eye that there’s just going to be something that’s just soft and that they can stroke. And it also brings the focus back down to their eye in a way that a tattoo just doesn’t.

Teri Hausman: Right. I mean, in some of those tattoos, I mean, I would – another good thing to spend your money on is a really, really qualified tattoo artist.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah, I only have one that I recommend, and she is about the most anal retentive person. And I was like, “Wow, you’re like me!” [laughing] I guess I like you. Maybe I’ll send some people to you.

Teri Hausman: Well, we get to her name, ‘cause I’m looking for a good tattoo person to interview on “Beauty Now”!

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Right! Now I know [inaudible].

Teri Hausman: “Cause I think that is so important. When tattooing’s done right, it looks so incredible.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah it can look very real. She does the individual hair. And she herself has actually come in for a brow reconstruction, or at least this one that I’m thinking of has. And even though she’s done such a beautiful job tattooing, she still wanted to have a little bit of hair there.

Teri Hausman: Well, that’s the thing. The tattooing can be beautiful, but a little bit of hair would make it look really great.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Right! And it will just help define it even more. And it just looks more realistic that way.

Teri Hausman: So what do you recommend for people that are saying, “Wow! That’s just too much money for right now!” You think to use these products over the counter …

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah, yeah, I would definitely try either the Revitalash or the Jan Marini first. And give it a good chance to work. You know they always say doctors are harping on patients to make sure that they take their medications. But if you’re gonna spend on that little tube …

Teri Hausman: Which is expensive as well.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: … You know it’s 15 hundred dollars, Definitely use it every single night, and then you will suddenly see some results. I got people calling in after two weeks and I say, “Well, you really need to use it six to ten to be able to get the …”

Teri Hausman: To really get the full effect.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: “…get the full effect. And then you can judge.”

Teri Hausman: But that’s actually what you just brought up, was – and it’s something good. What is the cycle of a lash?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: 90 to 120 days, which is one of the reasons that they fall out. And then they grow.

Teri Hausman: So 90 to 100 days, and then they fall out, and then you grow a new one?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Um hmm.

Teri Hausman: And that’s why sometimes your lashes look better than others.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Right! And that’s why sometimes when you start to use a product like this, or even when you go through surgery, you’ll sometimes shed the old hair. But that’s not a bad thing, that’s just in preparation for growing a new one.

Teri Hausman: What is the oldest patient that you’ve had?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: The oldest patient I’ve had for eyelash or eyebrow?

Teri Hausman: Either one.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Well, in his 80s. In his 80s …

Teri Hausman: Did it work?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: … And he wanted brows.

Teri Hausman: That’s so cute.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: For lashes, in her 50s.

Teri Hausman: And did it work?

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah, worked beautifully.

Teri Hausman: What would you recommend to be the oldest patient. What is …

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: You know, I don’t think that there is an absolute number. I’ve – I do hair transplants, ‘cause the majority of my practice is hair transplant, ‘cause there’s a lot more people who need that. but I’ve done hair transplant on a 92 year-old. He was on his third wife and he really wanted to look good for their wedding. [laughing]

Teri Hausman: That’s so cute!

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: And his wife was like 20 or 30 years younger than he was. And he was hale and hardy, I mean he jogged more than I did per day. [laughing] He was in better shape, so there was nothing wrong with going ahead and doing it, and he got great results. So, I think as long as you’re in good health, and you have donor tissue available that’s appropriate, that’s – you can go for it! Make yourself look good! Why is there an age limit to any of this? There really isn’t.

Teri Hausman: I just said that to my girlfriend today. We were on a hike, and she was like, “I think I’m too old to get a facelift.” And I’m like, “Never! [laughing] You have everything going for you! Go ahead and go for it! ”

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Right, I don’t do facelifts, but Lord, if I needed one at 82, I’d get one!

Teri Hausman: Exactly! Me too. I’m actually wanna sign up. I was really upset that you said you can’t get them if you have eyelashes. But I don’t know, I think this sounds incredible, to have thick, thick lashes and just come in.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah, you can get them, you just have to meet all the criteria. I insist on meeting all my patients in person, ‘cause I don’t want this to become the latest fad, and then have somebody actually have a negative outcome. So I insist on meeting all my patients in person for that reason. But, yeah, as long as people know exactly what they are getting into, I don’t have a problem.

Teri Hausman: Well, it sounds like – that you’re one of the doctors that we like to interview on this show. People that are really careful and really great in their field.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Cautious. We’re cautious.

Teri Hausman: Well, cautious too. And also that you would turn away somebody says a lot about you.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Well, we do turn away quite a few people, so I hope if somebody comes to me from the show and gets turned away, they don’t take it personally.

Teri Hausman: No don’t take it personally, they should be happy. That means they have lashes.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Right. That means they’re doing well.

Teri Hausman: That means they just need to go home and put a little bit of medication on for the time being.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Right. And see how it turns out, come back, and rave to me about how those products work.

Teri Hausman: That’s so great. Well, thank you so much for talking with us today.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Hey, it was a pleasure!

Teri Hausman: This is such an interesting, new field.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Yeah it really is. It’s groundbreaking.

Teri Hausman: And if any our listeners would like to find Dr. Sara Wasserbauer, please go to personallifemedia.com, and you can get transcripts of today’s show, and we’ll link you up to Dr. Wasserbauer so you can find out how you can get an eyelash transplant! Thanks for being with us today. Thank you Dr. Sara Wasserbauer.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: My pleasure, Teri. You have a great day yourself.

Teri Hausman: You have a great a day, and I appreciate talking to you, and we’ll talk to you soon.

Dr. Sara Wasserbauer: Ok, bye bye.

Teri Hausman: Bye bye.

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