CORE PASSION: Make Love to the Fire with LiOr Jacob
Sex – Tantra and Kama Sutra
Francesca Gentille

Episode 74 - CORE PASSION: Make Love to the Fire with LiOr Jacob

CORE PASSION: Make Love to the Fire with LiOr Jacob, founder of Passion University. LiOr has studied and conducted experiential explorations and academic research in yoga, dance, breathwork, shamanism, tantra, and aquatic healing. He developed Passion Training as an integration of holistic health and education modalities. LiOr lives at Passion Temple in Hayward, CA, creating a sustainable environment and harmonious living on a daily basis.

In this episode, LiOr guides a luscious Core Passion process. Learn what passsion is, and how to tune in to the vibration of your authentic self. Discover how to integrate the five main aspects of your life and infuse them with life force to successfully manifest our deepest desires.



Francesca Gentille: Welcome to Sex: Tantra and Kama Sutra: Bringing You the Soul of Sex. I’m your host, Francesca Gentille, and with me today is LiOr Jacob. LiOr is known as passion man because he is dedicated to bringing passionate living to everyone. He’s the director of Passion University and the founder of Passion Training. He’s also a peace activist in the middle east using principles, techniques of passion to bring greater harmony and connection between Jews and Arabs, and I am honored and delighted to have him on the show today.

Francesca Gentille: Welcome LiOr.

LiOr Jacob: Thank you Francesca for having me on the show.

Francesca Gentille: It’s my delight because, especially in these times of our world, and really all the times in our world, we need a sense of passion, but it’s not as easy sometimes to get to. And because you are the passion man, would you define for us what you consider passion itself to be.

LiOr Jacob: Passion is a life force; energy, prana, ki, chi. Many traditions and teachings define it differently, but it all boils down to the same thing; how much resourcefulness we have within us and around us to live our life. It’s been expressed as an excitement for life, as a desire to live and do things, create as resources that we have to do what we want to do, to have the experience in life that we want to have, and to have the relationships that we want to have. This is basically what passion is about.

Francesca Gentille: I just want to reflect back, this is so delicious, is that the passion you’re describing is that life force, that desire and creativity, and you mention resourcefulness and resources. And when we think of passion, if I’m alive in my passion, how does that connect me to resources or resourcefulness for creating the life I want?

LiOr Jacob: Humans have five main types of resources, which are what it is to be human. One of course is our own body, the physical body, the energy that we have in our body. Another is our mind, our psychology, how intelligent, resourceful we are in a planning, creating, knowing, designing, interpreting and managing our life. Another main resource is our own spirit, our soul, our spiritual essence, which is being carried by this body. A fourth main resource is our relationship. Every single person that we know around us is another human being with whom we interact, we inspire each other, we create together, we learn together. And the fifth main area of resourcefulness that we have as humans is of course our physical possessions, our environment. All these five main areas, we can look at them coming from inside out. For example, if we look at the area of possessions and environment, we can start looking basically at the room in which we’re sitting right now, how comfortable we feel in this room, how nice it is, how we feel about it, and then expand into our home, into our neighborhood, into the city that we live in and the environmental displayment as a whole. And we can look in this systematic way in all areas of our life, all five areas, inside out and outside in and look at the diverse resources that we have there.

Francesca Gentille: Let me go a little bit deeper into that because there’s something about that that feels very intriguing. So I’ve go five resources and, the body, the mind, the spirit, relationship and the physical possessions…

LiOr Jacob: Environmental.

Francesca Gentille: Environment. And if, you know, when you said you can think about these, and lets say I think, “Well I don’t really like the kitchen that I’m sitting in. I think it’s too cluttered.” Or, “You know, I’m not sure that I, that I even know what a soul means”, or “My relationships don’t make me happy”, or “I don’t feel very knowledgeable”, if I end up thinking about these areas and feeling like there’s less resources available to me in them, that I like or I don’t like the ones that I have, what do I do?

LiOr Jacob: Change it, for one, yeah. If you realize that in a certain area things are not going well for you and you’re not happy with it and you realize how it drags you down, drains your energy, just change it. And I think that most challenging thing for most people is the fact that all the resources that we have in all areas of our life are interrelated, so one area impacts another area, and it’s quite challenging to isolate each of them at a time and see what’s going on. The key is balance and integration. If you sit with yourself and feel that, “I don’t like the room I’m sitting right now”, well this has to do with your environment, but it also has to be with your financial resources. To change your room it also has to do with your time resources. To put into it, it has to do with your relationship area because changing your room is related to other people who may share this room with you. So you really look into one area at a time and just determine for yourself what you really want to do about it.

Francesca Gentille: So what I hear you saying is it can feel overwhelming because it’s so interconnected. However, you want to slow it down, break it down and say, “What is maybe even one thing that I can do that would help this, you know, one area?” And also, I’m imagining that having a vision even of what we might want it to be. It’s hard to create a better relationship or more knowledge or a more beautiful environment if I don’t really have an idea of what the end result might look like, of where I’m heading. So how do we create a vision of passion?

LiOr Jacob: I feel that focusing on a vision can be challenging and fleeting. And this is because most of us are creating vision based on what we believe we should have or live, but it’s not directly related to our core essence. These beliefs many time are being inspired by the society around us, by friends, by books, by movies, by social conventions. And when we correct a vision that’s not harmony of our own essence and we try to accomplish this vision, what we’re going to get is disharmony between what we are trying to do and our own inner resources.

Francesca Gentille: This is fascinating LiOr, this is fascinating, that, this sense that maybe if what I say I want isn’t happening there’s some disharmony between what I say I want, perhaps inculturated to me, and what my core essence wants. I want to talk more about that core essence and how we dive into it and find it and cover it when we come back from a break and a word from our fabulous sponsors. And I encourage our listening audience to support our sponsor because this helps shows like this continue to be on the air with you. And we’ll be right back.

Francesca Gentille: Welcome back to Sex: Tantra and Kama Sutra: Bringing You the Soul of Sex. We’re here with LiOr Jacob, who’s passion man, director of Passion University, peace advocate in the middle east, using passion principles, and we’re talking about what it takes to get to our true core essence. What is it and how do we get there, LiOr?

LiOr Jacob: One misconception that I would like to talk about is the fact that all we need is to believe in something, creating a visional feat and the power of our mind will create it for us. It’s been a common notion, specifically with things like “What The Bleep Do We Know” movies or the laws of attraction, that we just strongly become believers in a certain idea or a vision and think about it and create a mental framing about it, then we’re going to achieve it, accomplish it and be successful.

Francesca Gentille: You know, I think that there’re people right now that are applauding that you’re saying that it’s something different than that. So what is it different than that? It takes more than, more than just thinking about it or thinking positively about it. What is it?

LiOr Jacob: It’s living it. It’s connecting with the actual essence, which is within you and around you, and that essence is not mental. The process of creating a vision, and based on that creating a mental framing, framework of how we want to live and what we want to do is going the other way around. The nature of process is to be tuned to the already existing passions around us. When I say passions around us, these are either tiny little vibrations in the air around us, are impacts but inner desires that many people around us are carrying, is they are the imprints that we have within us that are emotional and spiritual that are much more basic from the mental than our mind. Let me give you an example: I walked with a woman who wanted to live more passion in her life in general. She didn’t feel passionate. She was a very successful lawyer, and she saw her life as a woman who was a career woman and her career as an attorney was growing and bringing her more and more reputation, recognition and financial success, but she didn’t feel an inner core passion, so whenever she worked with consultants about how to improve her business, her career in her life, they asked her, “Okay, so what’s the mental image that you are seeing?”, and she would describe this vision of her as the successful attorney. When I walked with her, when I walked with her I said, “Okay, lets just forget all these visions that you have about your life and any way that you want to go from here. Why don’t we just meditate for a few minutes and be comfortable and relaxed.” And after a while I asked her to move around the room. And moving around the room in a more comfortable and joyful way that she can feel every single moment. And we continue to work this for quite a while doing things which were similarly completely unrelated to the way that she saw her life and what she’s all about. And at first she was questioning, “What are we doing now?” And I said, “Well, do you feel good what we’re doing now?” She said, “Yes, but I don’t see how it’s going to bring me to having more passion in my life and being a more successful lawyer, etcetera, etcetera.” I said, “Well as long as it feels good right now, stay with it. Notice the pleasant sensations in you.” And after a while I invited her to explore deeply different areas in her own body and acknowledge herself, where does she feel pleasant sensations. And after we continued to, to be in this process, I start to bring up certain questions and scenarios and asked her, “How does it feel? Does it feel nice or not, beyond judging whether it’s good or bad? Just what feels really nice from deep within.” We went on and on and on, and I brought up different scenarios from her work life, from even things that she describing in her vision, and things that were similarly unrelated. And I direct her in tuned into what she said that feels most pleasant and nice in her body at the moment. As we continued, the image that changed, that brought her the most pleasant sensations is her holding a baby and nurturing a baby in her arms. And then I start to explore around that, and when we finish that process I asked her, I mean, how does she feel about having a baby, and she said that she’s married but she is not able to have children, she tried for many years and she doesn’t think she has the ability to have children. And I kind of brought it to her awareness that it seems that this is really what her passion is about. And her initial reaction was, was great pain, disappointment, and she got into feelings of anger and frustration about not being able to be a mother. And we looked into it and I said “So it seems this is really your inner passion. What you want to do about it?” And she said, “You know what, maybe I’ll explore having In Vitro Fertilization.” And it’s a process that she thought about for many years, but it didn’t feel to her in the past that it’s that important and she already gave up on being a mother consciously. But after our discussion she went into the process of In Vitro Fertilization, she became pregnant, she gave birth to a boy and she is now acknowledging that she’s the happiest woman on earth. She is living her passion. Her career as an attorney was diminished tremendously, but it’s not really important to her. She’s really happy. She is living her passion.

Francesca Gentille: Oh, that’s beautiful. That is, that is so beautiful LiOr, that, and the emotion and the deep spirit held a wisdom that the mind didn’t know.

LiOr Jacob: Yes. The body knows.

Francesca Gentille: The body knows. Is, but…

LiOr Jacob: And…Yes, and it’s not practical many times to start a vision from your mind, because the mind us flushed and overflowed and drenched and overwhelmed with many, many, many images and supposed visions that are just mental processes going on there. They are not necessarily directly related to our core passion, to our own body, our own emotions and our own spirits, and when we try to enforce an outside vision into our core essence, inevitably there is a contradiction and disharmony and very difficult to live your life passionately that way.

Francesca Gentille: LiOr I’m going to take a quick break right now, because when we come back would you be willing to lead our listening audience through a little bit of a journey to connect with some of the core essence in their own beings?

LiOr Jacob: Yes. I’ll be delighted.

Francesca Gentille: And we’ll be right back after a word from our sponsors.

Francesca Gentille: Welcome back to Sex: Tantra and Kama Sutra: Bringing You the Soul of Sex, with LiOr Jacob, passion man, peace activist, and he’s just about to guide us through a journey into our core essence. LiOr, I can hardly wait.

LiOr Jacob: Thank you, Francesca. I would like to guide you through this process, but one word of caution is that this process will take you into yourself, it’s an introverted process, reflective and meditative, and it would not be appropriate to do it if you are driving right now or operating heavy machinery or attention is required outside of you. So if you are able to do it right now, if you are in a quiet place by yourself, I invite you to lay down on the floor, preferably on a comfortable place such as on a bed or on a rug. Lay on your back, take a deep breath and completely relax. Let go. Bring your attention to your breath. Notice how your lungs rise with every inhale, and come down on exhales. With every exhale, let yourself relax more and more. Maintain your awareness on your breath. And scan your body top to bottom while relaxing every part of your body. If you notice any tension in your head relax it, any tension in your face, your eyes, your lips. Let go. There’s nothing you really need to think of right now. Relax your arms and hands. Let them be completely relaxed on the floor. There’s nothing you need to do right now. Relax your legs and feet. Nowhere you need to go. Keep being aware of your breath. And gently notice any pleasant sensations in your body. When you notice something feels good, acknowledge it yourself, “Oh, my hands feel really nice right now touching the rug.” When you notice an area in your body that feels nice and pleasant, breathe through that area. Imagine that your breath is coming through the pleasant area in your body, in, taking it all in and expanding it in your body, and letting go. You may want to do it for a few minutes. Take your time. If you need more time to relax and surrender to your own body and to this process, let yourself do it. It’s a great way, by the way, to meditate on a regular basis and connect with the inner core. Once you feel deeply relaxed please bring images that come into your mind gently and notice how they feel to you, without trying too much or without being attached to how that image would feel in you. Observe it, not judgmentally. And when you are aware of the feelings and the sensations in your body, at this time do not go into analyzing why or why not or what does it mean. Just stay with pure awareness to how you feel. And then when you bring certain image and it feels really nice in you, it means that this image, that scenario is connected to your core passion. It’s increasing the life force in your body. It makes you feel nice and pleasant, beyond what you think about it. This is something that you want to bring more into your life. If on the other hand a thought crosses your mind and immediately you feel some unpleasantness, maybe a contraction, maybe, “Ooh, something just don’t feel good”, and we usually don’t tend to these thoughts a lot because we don’t really like to worry about things all day long, so things that, that are draining our energy we have a tendency to stuff under the rug. But now become aware of it. Yes, that activity may be that you had to do a while ago, that’s some responsibility that you didn’t accomplish and it’s still bugging you. It’s bugging you. It’s draining your energy. And it’s a sign for you that you may want to do something about it. So I invite you to take another deep breath and slowly come back. Open your eyes. You can repeat this process anytime you want. Or come in and do it in a quiet comfortable uninterrupted space. And this will tell you what are you really passionate about and our two main categories to that, things that improve your passion, bring more excitement, joy and harmony to your life and to your surrounding and the people around you. And there are things that drain your passion, things that just by the fact that they are in your life, they make you tired, overwhelmed. They’re making you not satisfied with the way that things are going on for you. You need to take care of them too. I hope this helps.

Francesca Gentille: LiOr, that was beautiful. That was beautiful. And what this brings us to in a show about sex, tantra and kama sutra and the soul of sex is that truly to connect with our beloved passionately, to have a life that we love, this beautiful journey that you, that you’ve brought us into is the essence of it, it’s bringing us deeper and deeper into what is truly authentic. So many times we split between what our mind says we should do or what we have to do or it would be the good thing or the good person to do, and there’s a fear that we’re going to make choices that will be hurtful to ourselves or others, but you brought us to somewhere even deeper than that, a deep sense of what brings aliveness and what drains us. And I want to thank you so much for being here on the show with us today. And if people want to contact you, take courses at Passion University, have personal sessions, how do they do that?

LiOr Jacob: Just access Passion University online. The URL is Yeah, simply passionate education is available at We have plenty of resources for passionate living, both by teachers who are offering their insight, their resources through online courses. Students can interact with each other, learn from each other. We are creating learning communities and resources for passionate living, for holistic health, and the main thing that we would like to inspire through Passion University is for people to interact worldwide, collaborate and create passionate living, both on individual level and community level and on a global level. Thank you.

Francesca Gentille: Beautiful. And for our listening audience, thank you so much for joining us and being a part of this journey into authentic and passionate living. You can find out more about LiOr, see his picture, his bio, his very interesting life, also connect with me, send me questions, find out about my services at That’s, Sex: Tantra and Kama Sutra: Bringing You the Soul of Sex.